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Status of the JINR Facilities Operation and development in 2007 G.Shirkov I. Overview of operation of JINR facilities II. Basic Facilities Nuclotron Cyclotrons.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the JINR Facilities Operation and development in 2007 G.Shirkov I. Overview of operation of JINR facilities II. Basic Facilities Nuclotron Cyclotrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the JINR Facilities Operation and development in 2007 G.Shirkov I. Overview of operation of JINR facilities II. Basic Facilities Nuclotron Cyclotrons and DRIBS Phasotron (status) III. IREN - Intense REsonance Neutron source (under construction facility) IV. Future facilities LEPTA - Low Energy Positron Toroidal Accumulator (new accelerator facility) LINAC-800 (not budgetary accelerator facility)


3 Nuclotron of Baldin-Veksler Laboratory of High Energy LINAC LU-20 INJECTOR NUCLOTRON F-3 MV-1 from NUCLOTRON Ion sources SLON Experimental Hall 205 TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 2007 - 1050 hours (1200 hours were planned) ACCELERATED BEAMS - d, 6 Li. BEAM ENERGIES - 0,25 - 2.2 GeV/u OPERATION 2006 RUN 36 (26.02 – 21.03.2007)  RUN 37 (29.10 – 23.11.2007)

4 year 2007 DatesRunningtime Ion sources, experimentsParticles 26/02 - 21/03 26/02 - 21/03600 TPD, NIS/GIBS, STRELA, FAZA, Delta-Sigma and “Energy and Transmutation”Deutrons 29/10- 23/11 450 Laser, Duoplasmotron. Only accelerator experiments Deutrons, 6 Li

5 36th accelerator run of the Nuclotron has been successfully carried out. 362 hours (>60% of the total run duration) has been used by physicist, 124 hours took cooling, the rest has been taken by accelerator division staff for the tests and tuning of the accelerator systems. The experiments TPD, NIS/GIBS, STRELA, FAZA, Delta-Sigma and “Energy and Transmutation” have been used deuteron beam with intensity up to 10 10 particles/cycle and the maximal kinetic energy up to 2.2 GeV. Run # 37: 6 Li had been accelerated (beam with intensity 10 9 particle at 5 MeV, were accelerated up to 25 MeV); Beam life time was measured (τ >3ms) - corresponds to pressure 1÷3·10 -8 Torr ( for N 2 equivalent) that is one order of magnitude better than it was expected (≤ 10 -7 Torr); First experiments were started and successfully performed with pseudo- adiabatic bunching at constant magnetic field. It was shown that the beam intensity can be increased by factor 2; methodical shifts aimed on investigation of particle losses on the first turns were performed. Some other technical experiments and methodical studies were done and some new diagnostic equipment were installed and successfully tested. Nearest run #38 – from mid. May to mid. June 2008 ~ 600 hours

6 FLNR accelerators and DRIBs II

7 Modernization of the U400M cyclotron (2007)  to improve the quality of beams,  to increase the maximal energy of accelerated ions up to 100 MeV/A,  to accelerate “low” (6÷15 MeV/A) energy ions,  to extract the beams to the second direction. Cyclotron U400M has been operating since 1993

8 Modernization of the U400 cyclotron into U400R (2008 – 2009)  to improve the quality and intensity of beams of stable and radioactive nuclei ions,  to improve the overall experiment efficiency,  to decrease the power consumption from 1 to 0.25 MWt. Cyclotron U400 has been operating since 1979

9 Plans for 2007:  Experiments on chemical isolation and identification of the new elements with Z=112 and 114. Chemical isolation and identification of 268 Db produced in 48 Ca+ 243 Am reactions. Experiments on the search for superheavy elements in osmium samples;  Measurement of masses of 48 Ca + 243 Am reaction products after the chemical separation using the “MASHA” separator;  Investigation of excitation functions of complete fusion reactions 48 Ca+ 246 Cm and 50 Ti+ 244 Pu, leading to the synthesis of isotopes of element with Z=116;  Investigation of the symmetric fusion reaction 136 Xe + 136 Xe, leading to the formation of Hassium (Z=108) isotopes;  Investigation of subbarrier fusion-fission in 244 Pu, 248 Cm + ( 48 Ca, 50 Ti, 58 Fe, 64 Ni) and 6 He + 232 Th, 238 U reactions and analysis of the low-energy fission dynamic using the fission fragment trigger "Corset" and the multidetector "Demon“;

10 Plans for 2007:  Study of fusion processes and particle evaporation by excited compound nuclei produced in reactions of 22 Ne, 26 Mg, 48 Ca on 238 U and 244 Pu using -, -, - and neutron detectors at the VASSILISSA set-up;  Investigation of nuclear structure of in 7 H, 7 He, 9 He and 10 He at ACCULINNA. Design of the detector system for reaction products emitted at the zero angle and leading to neutron rich isotopes of H and He;  Experiments on the study of subbarrier fusion and transfer reactions of 6 He and 6 Li using MSP144 spectrometers at the DRIBs set-up.  Charge radii measurements of heavy isotopes using laser spectroscopy;  Theoretical study of mechanisms of heavy ion induced reactions;  Developing the knowledge base on nuclear physics allocated in the Web

11 Design and creation of accelerator complexes for applications and basic researches in the JINR Member States DC60 DC72

12 The main goals of 2007 at the IBR-2 modernization: № Direction of works Status (on February 21, 2008) 1. Unloading of the IBR-2 active zone completed 2. Dismantling works at the IBR-2 under the schedule 3. Development and manufacturing the IBR-2M control and protection system (CPS) under the schedule 4. Manufacturing of the IBR-2M stationary reflectors at the JINR’s work plant completed

13 Unloading of the IBR-2 core Dismantling of the reactor vessel in the storage

14 Plans and goals for 2008 1. Removal of old rolling biological shieldings into special storage. 2. Delivery of the reactor vessel from the manufacturer. 3. Installation of the new rolling biological shieldings at a regular place. 4. Installation of the reactor vessel. 5. Manufacturing the new water moderators. 6. Completion of manufacturing of the new control and protection system. 7. Delivery and installation of the new cryogenic equipment.

15 Physical start – up with water moderators 2010 Completion of the first power 2011 Installation of cryogenic moderator complex: 20102011 First physical experiments with cryogenic moderator complex 20112012 Final stages of the IBR-2 modernization Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP)

16 Phasotron - Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (users’ request facility) Phazotron was operating mainly for the proton beam therapy. Beam time – 989 hours (about 10% - was used for machinery tuning). 7 runs had been performed in total for beam therapy. Time period for each run – 4 weeks. In 2007 in total 84 new patients had been treated (4107 of therapeutic radiation pulses was done).

17 At Phazotron machine itself the main works were directed onto recovering of meson channels and systems of the beam stretching. During 2007 were recovered power supply lines and lines for the control of beam stretching, power supply system for meson channel #2 was mounted and tested. Building #1 of DLNP Lab.#4, 2 nd floor

18 Results on 1-st stage of IREN project  Working projects of water/power supply, fire prevention, and other systems were finished, necessary equipment manufactured or purchased;  Until March 2008 all engineering infrastructure in accelerator building will be installed;  Main control room was repaired and equipment is assembling now;  About 80% of LUE-200 equipment was mounted on site, partly tested and certified;  Klystron TH2129 was coupled with pulse transformer from SLAC 5045 Klystron and tested;  Magnetic measurements of the solenoid of first accelerating section were completed;  Time schedule with startup of the 1-st stage of IREN facility in November 2008 was approved by JINR Directorate

19 Results on 1-st stage of IREN project Radial (in the center) and longitudinal (on the right) components of the magnetic field in the solenoid of first accelerating section. B r /B z < 0.5%

20 Results on 1-st stage of IREN project High current power supply for solenoid 1-st accelerating section and correcting coils installed inside solenoid. UHF feeder assembled

21 Results on 1-st stage of IREN project TH2129 klystron (delivered from Amsterdam with LINAC) was coupled with pulse transformer from SLAC 5045 klystron, successfully tested on stand and transported to the accelerator hall on January 16.

22 Status of the LEPTA Project Main Recent Results:  Effective cooperation with South Africa: iThemba Labs had manufactured and sent a positron source ( 22 Na) of activity of 20 mCi – it is already in Russia. It will allow to start soon storage and electron cooling of positrons and Positronium-in-flight generation;  Magnetic system of the storage ring was optimized: inhomogeneity level decreased by 8 times  Injector of positrons is under final assembling and test.

23 LINAC-800 (non-budgetary facility) 2. The modernized control subsystem for injector and its 400 kV power supply has been designed and constructed. 3. Power stabilization system has been constructed and assembled 4. Assembling of the 1 st modulator was continued. 1. The linac injector (electron gun + chopper + buncher) has been assembled and tested at vacuum. Vacuum of 210 -8 Torr (corresponding to the project requirements) has been obtained. Injector : electron gun + chopper + pre-buncher.

24 LINAC-800 (Continuation) 4. RF system reactivation and preparation for use is in progess: 4.1. Reference RF generator of the linac RF system has been mounted and tested with an equivalent load. 4.2. The RF generator for the linac buncher has been assembled and tested at low level of RF power. 4.3. The test equipment for test of formation lines ("PFN") of the linac RF system has been mounted and 40 formation lines of the 1st modulator has been tested. The Test Table The formation line (PFN) under test "The PFN Cabinet" with tested lines

25 LINAC-800 (Continuation) 4.4. The Test Bench for “Thompson TH 2129” klystrons has been constructed and the 1 st linac clystron is under test presently 5. The Test Bench for studies of photoemission characteristics of the injector cathode has been constructed and experiments on a thermocathode photoemission studies (DC photoinjector) were started

26 LINAC-800 (Continuation) 6. To the 1 st FEL: The undulator with SmCo permanent magnets has been assembled and tested; magnetic field was tuned with accuracy better than 0,5 %. Application Research  To "The Nanotechnologies" 1.FELs at Linac-800 2.The Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS) with the positron beam at LEPTA 3.…… String testing of the magnetic field of undulator


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