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Intro to Biomechanics HCR- Advanced Topics.  Why do some elderly tend to fall?  Why do some golfers tend to slice the ball?  Under what circumstances.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Biomechanics HCR- Advanced Topics.  Why do some elderly tend to fall?  Why do some golfers tend to slice the ball?  Under what circumstances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Biomechanics HCR- Advanced Topics

2  Why do some elderly tend to fall?  Why do some golfers tend to slice the ball?  Under what circumstances can orthotic shoe implants relieve shin splints or low back pain?

3  Learning to walk is an ambitious task from a biomechanical perspective

4 Walking Progression  Roll over  Sit  Scoot  Crawl  WALK  Walk while carrying an object  Heel to motion  Balance

5 What is Biomechanics?  Describes the science involving the study of biological systems from a mechanical perspective

6 History of Biomechanics  There is no true “Father of Biomechanics”  Aristotle, Galileo, Harvey, Da Vinci and many others  1960’s  Post World War II  Increase in technology

7 Mechanics  Branch of physics that analyzes the actions of forces on particles and mechanical systems  Divided into  Statics-dealing with systems in a constant state of motion (at rest or moving)  Dynamics-dealing with systems subject to acceleration

8 Kinematics vs. Kinetics  Kinematics study of description of motion, including considerations of space and time  Kinetics study of the action of forces  Function

9 Anthropometric  Factors in  Size  Shape  Weight  Structure

10 Biomechanics  Mechanics + Structure+ Function=Biomechanics

11 Activity  Complete a collage of Biomechanics

12 Why Study Biomechanics ?  Understand mechanical principles and how they can be applied in analyzing movements of the human body  Improve performance  Decrease the risk of injury

13 Who uses Biomechanics?  Athletic Trainers  Coaches  PE Teachers  Physical Therapists  Physicians  Personal Trainers

14 Quantitative vs Qualitative Problems  Quantitative problems involve the use of numbers  Qualitative problems involve nonnumeric description of quality  Example.

15 Quantitative  6 meters  3 seconds  50 turns  2 players

16 Qualitative  Good  Rotated  Long  Heavy

17 Measurements  Originally a yard was defined as the distance from the end of King Henry I’s nose to his thumb  12 inches in a foot  3 feet in a yard  5280 feet to a mile  16 ounces to a pound  2000 pounds to the ton

18 Summary of steps for Solving Formal Problems  Read the problem carefully  List the given information  List the desired information for which you are to solve.  Draw a diagram of the problem.  Write down the formulas that may be used  Substitute given information into the formula  Solve the equation

19 Sample Problem  Step 1 Read the Problem Carefully  A baseball player hits a triple to deep left field. As he is approaching third base, he notices that incoming throw to the catcher retrieves the ball 10m from the plate and runs back towards the plate at speed of 5 m/s. As the catcher starts running, the base runner, who is travelling at a speed of 9 m/s is 15m from the plate. Given that time= distance/speed, who will reach the plate first?

20 Step 2 Write down the given information  Base runner’s speed= 9 m/s  Catcher’s speed=5 m/s  Distance of base runner from plate=15m  Distance of catcher from plate=10m

21 Step 3 Write down the variable to be identified  Find which player reaches home plate in the shortest time

22 Step 4 Draw a diagram of the problem situation

23 Step 5 and 6 Write down the formulas of use  Time=distance/speed

24 Step 7  Substitute the given information into the formula  Catcher 10m/5meters/second=2s  Base Runner 15m/9meters/second=1.67s  2s-1.67s=.33seconds  BASE RUNNER IS SAFE !!

25 Assignment  Complete the Sample Lab  Complete 1 and 2

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