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Workplace Motivators: Why We Work MCDA 2012 Spring Conference April 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Motivators: Why We Work MCDA 2012 Spring Conference April 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Motivators: Why We Work MCDA 2012 Spring Conference April 20, 2012

2 Introductions Your Name An Unusual Fact, Talent or Story Why You “Love” What You Do

3 Buzz Words & Trends Retention Engagement Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Employee Recognition _________________ Employee Surveys Workplace Audits Define Leadership Empower Supervisors ________________


5 How Do You Motivate? Your Employees Your Managers Yourself

6 Is this Enough?


8 Categories Utilitarian/Economic - a characteristic interest in money/utility and return on investment Theoretical - an interest in the discovery of knowledge and an appetite for learning Aesthetic - a relative interest in form, balance, and harmony Individualistic/Political - an interest in exerting power and influence Social/Altruistic - a keen interest in helping others Traditional/Regulatory - a focused interest in following a specific system for living

9 Utilitarian/Economic

10 Theoretical

11 Aesthetic

12 Individualistic/Political

13 Social/Altruistic

14 Traditional/Regulatory

15 Oil Your Lamp

16 Presented by: Kari Rosand Scanlon, PHR Principal Consultant Spotlight HR Solutions 612-209-5718

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