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Cross-Cultural Mentoring Craig Ott. Cross-Cultural Mentoring Overview Collectivism vs. Individualism Shame and Honor Status and Familiarity Compartmentalization.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-Cultural Mentoring Craig Ott. Cross-Cultural Mentoring Overview Collectivism vs. Individualism Shame and Honor Status and Familiarity Compartmentalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Craig Ott

2 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Overview Collectivism vs. Individualism Shame and Honor Status and Familiarity Compartmentalization vs. Holism Twenty Questions

3 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Collectivism vs. Individualism Collectivism Individualism Harmony, cooperation Individual identity, how I am different Group identity, what I have in common Comparison, competition Social obligation, group goals & success Personal freedom, Individual goals & success Interdependence, sharingIndependence, owning Shame orientedGuilt oriented HierarchicalEgalitarian High ingroup/outgroup distinctionLow ingroup/outgroup distinction Values change & creativityValues tradition & history

4 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (New York: McGraw- Hill, 2005), p. 112.

5 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Shame and Honor

6 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Status and Familiarity

7 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Power Distance

8 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Power Distance

9 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (New York: McGraw- Hill, 2005), p. 83.

10 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Status and Familiarity A Question for Miss Yoshikawa Craig Storti, Cross-cultural Dialogues (Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1994), p. 47. Theresa Miss. Yoshikawa That was an excellent presentation. You and Dr. Nagai must have worked very hard on this. I was very honored to be asked by Dr. Nagai to assist him on this project. He’s my thesis advisor, you know. Well, you were very good. He’s lucky to have found you. I had a question about a point you made at the end. Yes, of course. Let me just get Dr. Nagai. Oh, don’t bother him; he’s talking to some other people. Anyway, it’s about a point that you made I see. Can I get you some tea? Theresa Miss. Yoshikawa Theresa Miss. Yoshikawa

11 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Compartmentalization vs. Holism The importance of reciprocity

12 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Compartmentalization vs. Holism The importance of reciprocity Delbert Chinchen, “The Return of the Fourth ‘R’ to Education: Relationships” Missiology 25:3 (1997)

13 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Compartmentalization vs. Holism Delbert Chinchen, “The Return of the Fourth ‘R’ to Education: Relationships” Missiology 25:3 (1997)

14 Cross-Cultural Mentoring Clinton’s Ten Commandments of Mentoring 1.Establish a strong relationship. 2.Agree on a purpose 3.Determine contact frequency 4.Decide on the type of accountability 5.Set up communication mechanisms 6.Clarify the confidentiality level 7.Set the relationship’s life cycle 8.Evaluate regularly 9.Modify expectations, as necessary 10.Bring closure at the right time How many of these are culturally universal?

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