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Understanding Worldviews. Understanding Worldviews.

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2 Understanding Worldviews

3 Layers of Culture 1) Observable Culture 2) Attitude
My Rules for Success 3) Norms and Values My Chosen Truths 4) Beliefs

4 “The Way We View The World”
What is a Worldview? “The Way We View The World” ‘What is worldview?’ or ‘What is a worldview?’ Worldview is motivator & demotivator. Influences gathering > process > conclusions > recommendations (what do i do with it) > action I always laugh when someone raises their hand and says let me give my objective opinion.

5 What is a Worldview? a person’s interpretation of reality, or basic view of life an inescapable function of the human heart: we need answers! a system of signs which helps us to understand the world

6 3 Colors Worldview Questionnaire
Answer the questions that will be displayed on the screen by selecting yes or no. This is not a test. There are no better answers or better scores. 6

7 Question 1: In an extended family gathering, where I sit is important.

8 Question 2: When I feel misunderstood, I feel the need to defend myself.

9 Question 3: In making a decision, it’s most important to consider the best interests of my family.

10 Question 4: Taking certain actions helps me avoid bad luck.

11 Question 5: When I arrive at a family gathering, I sit anywhere I want to.

12 Question 6: In any new situation, one of the first things I want to know is who is more or less powerful than me.

13 Question 7: When I am in a leadership position, it is very important to give an image of being strong and in control.

14 Question 8: I expect people to respect me because of the group I belong to (family or social).

15 Question 9: If I am playing sport and the referee blows the whistle, I check myself to see if I am doing something wrong.

16 Question 10: When I feel unsure about how I should act, I ask myself what the right thing to do is.

17 Question 11: It’s best to belong to the most powerful group.

18 Question 12: In making a decision, I ask myself what will cause me least harm.

19 Question 13: If possible a bad decision by a family member is not talked about.

20 Question 14: I like clarity about what is right and what is wrong.

21 Question 15: If I do something wrong, but don’t realize it was wrong, I am still guilty.

22 Question 16: It is important to satisfy the person(s) in control.

23 Question 17: If I am in a situation where I feel unsure about how to act, I ask myself what will bring honor to the situation.

24 Question 18: A written agreement is stronger than a verbal one.

25 Question 19: Maintaining honor is of utmost importance in my behavior.

26 Question 20: Events happening in the visible world can often be explained by invisible causes.

27 Question 21: Sometimes I feel guilty and I don’t even know why.

28 Question 22: There are special people who hold the secrets to power.

29 Question 23: You must have prior knowledge of what is good behavior before you can be guilty of bad behavior.

30 Question 24: I cannot call myself honorable unless people close to me see me that way.

31 3 Colors Worldview Questionnaire
Question 25: distribute 7 points between the three choices (a, b, c) More points means stronger or more true Zero is allowed (e.g., 0, 2, ,0, ,4,1 etc.) Points must add up to 7 31

32 Question 25: As you grew up, the people who raised you taught you primarily: what brings honor and what brings shame; what is right and what is wrong; who has power and how to relate to them.

33 3 Colors Worldview Questionnaire
Transfer your scores to your score sheet

34 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 7 3 2 4 1 8 11 4

35 3 Colors Worldview Questionnaire
Transfer your scores to your score sheet Add up the Yes answers Add your score for Question 25 to the Yes answers Map your totals on the diagram Connect the three scores and shade in the area





40 Color Mixtures By projecting light in just three colors
(red, green, and blue) 16.7 million colors can be created. 16.7million

41 Worldview Mixture There are 3 primary worldviews present in every cultural worldview

42 Worldview Colors Guilt v. Innocence (N.Am, Europe, Australia, New Zealand) Guilt v. Innocence Fear v. Power 2. Fear v. Power (Parts of Africa, Asia, S.America) Shame v. Honor 3. Shame v. Honor (Asia, ME, S. America, Mediterranean)

43 Worldview Mixture All 3 worldviews are:
Present in every distinct group of people Found in a unique ratio in every culture The building blocks, the three reactions to environment 43

44 Guilt vs. Innocence Deductive Reasoning Cause and Effect Thinking
Critical Analysis Asking Good Questions There is a right and a wrong. Groomed to make the right choices Bad even if no one knows The law Wrong depends on standards, not opinion If innocent, one feels good. I’m OK, you’re OK Abuse Mechanism: Innocence at all costs Abuse mechanism examples: Enron, WorldCom, avoiding “corruption” so spend 60% of budget on avoiding

45 Power vs. Fear Learn to assess hierarchy
Adjust your interaction based on the level of power Align yourself with the right person Develop skills to enhance your power base Manage the level of fear Can be found everywhere: (home, religious institutions, politics, business, the neighborhood, associations… Fear can have many appearances Abuse Mechanism: Rule by fear to enhance/maintain your powerbase In gangs, parents, etc. Show in public that i’m aligned with powerful person and i’m loyal -- that’s the consistency

46 Honor vs. Shame Learn to assess each situation
Who is who and how are they related to my ‘group’ (family, clan, tribe, nation) Adjust to enhance honor (can include shaming others) If shamed: Family/group has guidelines for actions Performance is directly linked to who a person is Adhering but: can’t learn it from books… Abuse Mechanism: Hide what is shameful: don’t get caught

47 Examples What do you say to your kids when they do something they shouldn’t? Or what did your parents say to you? 1. That’s wrong 2. Don’t embarrass me. 3. I’ll beat you. ‘A Bedouin…’ 47 47

48 Exercise: Color Mixtures
Where have you come from? Where are you today and how was it influenced? What is the % color mix in the organization? ‘Including the main’… [or] ‘ What effect do the main national worldviews present in your organization have…’ 48

49 Dealing with other colors
Guilt & Innocence Clear guidelines. Frequent changes in standards. Ownership in establishing rules. Seeming hypocrisy. Honor & Shame Part of a group. Public criticism. Status & Recognition. Inflexible rules. Power & Fear Reason to Trust. Threats. Control of circumstances. Opportunity to ‘kick the cat’. 49

50 Inter-Cultural Intelligence
The ability to create new cultural spaces to facilitate win-win solutions; by anticipating, correctly interpreting, and adjusting to the culturally defined behaviors of others

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