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Regional STORET Perspective Why it is good practice to share data with STORET Data collection can be expensive, no single organization can collect all.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional STORET Perspective Why it is good practice to share data with STORET Data collection can be expensive, no single organization can collect all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional STORET Perspective Why it is good practice to share data with STORET Data collection can be expensive, no single organization can collect all they need. STORET provides the means for comprehensive data coverage by combining monitoring results from multiple organizations

2 STORET Brings It Altogether STORET provides a common format so data from different organizations can be used in studies and analyses Extensive data handling capabilities Comprehensive data qualifiers for documenting data

3 Data Readily Available Nationwide data available from STORET Warehouse to anyone with a web browser Data warehouse uses warehousing technology for very fast and efficient data retrieval

4 STORET Meets Many Needs Versatile, can handle almost all water quality related data, i.e, grab samples, field measurements, effluent samples, taxonomic abundance, tissue analysis All sampling stations georeferenced for accurate location information Data output is in consistent format for easy export to spreadsheets, statistical programs or GIS

5 Proven Technology Oracle backbone for stability and capability to handle large amounts of data Flexible installation, can be run on Oracle server or as stand alone on a personal computer Cost efficient – only cost to user is computer hardware and Oracle software, all other products are free

6 No Missing Links Consistent format allows easy import of data from spreadsheets, LIMS and hardcopy Users have many options for moving data to STORET including web based tools.

7 Help Is On The Way STORET assistance available from toll free 800 number and from EPA Regional offices Listserv free forum for posting questions and comments Very active user community Numerous user developed tools for efficient data entry, display and analysis Training provided frequently

8 STORET Makes Decisions Possible Data available for TMDL establishment and verification Data for research projects Data for supporting enforcement cases Data for setting water quality standards


10 Priorities DENVER  Feed well documented data into Federal/State/Local decision making processes  Track the effectiveness of environmental initiatives  Archival of data for sharing and secondary use

11 Perceptions DENVER  Incredible creativity, commitment, and hard work from STORET community  Impressive accomplishments since Las Vegas  2005 should be a watershed year for STORET NEW ORLEANS

12 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS

13 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Promote Diversity in Data Entry 1. Promote Diversity in Data Entry: - Data Entry Module, DataStor, WebSIM, ESAR Presentations: Tuesday 10:30 – WQ-WET Web Based Application Tuesday 10:30 - DataStor and DataConvert

14 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Improve Data Accessibility Promote Diversity in Data Entry 2. Improve Data Accessibility: -Local Tools/Warehouses, ArcIMS Applications Presentations: Tuesday 1:30 - Region 10 STORET Mapping Application Tuesday 1:30 - Iowa’s ArcIMS Application

15 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Improve Data Accessibility Promote Diversity in Data Entry Market to Non-traditional Users 3. Market to Non-Traditional Users: -Volunteer monitoring, Tribes, 319, Superfund. Presentations: Tuesday 1:30 - Tribal STORET Database Project Tuesday 1:30 - Future of STORET in Colorado

16 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Make User Support Proactive not Reactive Improve Data Accessibility Promote Diversity in Data Entry Market to Non-traditional Users 4. Make User Support Proactive not Reactive: -HQs, Regional, State, Local staffing. Presentations: Tuesday 1:30 - Future of STORET in Colorado Tuesday 1:30 - Montana DEQ Project

17 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Make User Support Proactive not Reactive Improve Data Accessibility Promote Diversity in Data Entry Market to Non-traditional Users Proceed Strategically 5. Proceed Strategically: -ESAR & Version 3, Keeping Eyes on the Ball. Presentations: Tuesday 8:30 - ESAR Pilot Project Wednesday 9:30 - Breakout Sessions

18 Making 2005 a Watershed Year for STORET DENVER NEW ORLEANS Make User Support Proactive not Reactive Improve Data Accessibility Promote Diversity in Data Entry Market to Non-traditional Users Proceed Strategically

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