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Touching Spirit Bear By Nick Pflieger.

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Presentation on theme: "Touching Spirit Bear By Nick Pflieger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Touching Spirit Bear By Nick Pflieger

2 Cole breaks into a hardware store and trashes the place.
This is part of the exposition

3 Cole beats up Peter for ratting him out for breaking into a hardware store
This is part of the exposition

4 Cole goes to jail for a few days for beating up Peter and breaking into the hardware store
This is part of the exposition

5 Cole goes to circle justice
Part of the exposition

6 Cole goes to the island This is part of the rising action

7 Cole burns down the cabin
Part of the rising action

8 Cole tosses the blanket towards the fire
This is part of the rising action

9 Cole tries to escape the island
Rising action

10 Cole gets attacked by the spirit bear
This is the climax

11 Cole experiences a thunderstorm
This is part of the falling action

12 Cole gets rescued by Garvey and Edwin
This is part of the falling action

13 Cole leaves the island to go to the hospital
This is part of the falling action

14 Cole was sent back to jail
This is part of the falling action

15 Cole goes back to circle justice
Part of the falling action

16 Cole goes back to the island with Garvey and Edwin
This is part of the resolution

17 Cole goes to a pond with Edwin
Part of the resolution

18 Peter goes to the island with Cole
This is part of the resolution

19 Peter beats up Cole This is part of the resolution

20 Cole and Peter become friends
Part of resolution


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