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2007 2007 Serving Greater Kansas City And Now Lincoln NE.

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1 2007

2 2007 Serving Greater Kansas City And Now Lincoln NE

3 2007 Changing Market KC Market has gone slightly flat –Our Days on Market went from 45 to 70 –Inventory levels doubled –List to Sale price ratio spread is higher Attitude is everything –We were not going to let this market get the best of us. –First Quarter we were down 19 trans over 2005

4 2007 Lead Generation The Personal Relationship will win every time It is about buying brain cells Calls…NEW Conversion Rate Success –3 in 3 Scripts for Homes Magazines –“courtesy call” & “working too hard” Listings will carry you through a tough market

5 2007 Inventory is the Key We Focused on Listings –From end of Feb ’06-March 31 st we went from 23 listings to 50 listings. –Focused on Call time Hour of Power Don’t let ANY lead get away Actually MADE my calls Wrote 5 handwritten notes EVERY day Token Cards same day

6 2007 Scripts Had an agent tell my seller…SHE could sell her house if I couldn’t Know your numbers!!! –I found out who the agent was –Told seller I would meet with her and bring cancellation but would not do it over the phone. –Amazing Numbers!!! Know your numbers

7 2007 Scripts For sellers: –Do you feel like, in this market, you saved some money on the purchase of your home? Then if we come down to get to your buyers, it will be a wash. –This script got us 3 price changes and homes sold in 10 days. –Two buyers brought about 5k each, and were thankful for us helping them

8 2007 Save the search Price drop on 3/20 Offer 4/6 Sold for more than list price! 1299922SLDS $156,40 0 6/7/2006BKORNKW0652 1299922PNDP $154,90 0 4/24/200 6 kornbra d KW0659 1299922PNDB $154,90 0 4/6/2006 kornbra d KW0659 1299922DATA $154,90 0 3/27/200 6 kornbra d KW060 1299922PCHA $154,90 0 3/20/200 6 kornbra d KW060 1299922DATA $157,90 0 2/13/200 6 kornbra d KW060

9 2007 Positioning Best advice I heard to deal with the market: –Do not price the home higher than the last sale in the neighborhood. –Pull actives of similar homes and in neighborhood…should be priced middle to lower end of the list.

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