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A Lesson in Honesty Acts 5:1-11.

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1 A Lesson in Honesty Acts 5:1-11

2 A Lesson in Honesty: Acts 5:1-11
Background: Acts 4:32-37 Disciples were of one heart and soul They had everything in common Not a needy person among them How was that possible? Owners of lands and houses sold them and brought the proceeds to the apostles who distributed to the needy. Specific example is given: Joseph (Barnabas)

3 A Lesson in Honesty: Acts 5:1-11
Ananias was not condemned for keeping part of the $ While Ananias owned the land it was his (to keep or sell) After Ananias sold the land, the proceeds were under his control (to give all, some, or none of it to the poor) His sin was lying: acting like he gave all while he kept some back to be thought of like Barnabas, without the same sacrifice

4 A Lesson in Honesty: Acts 5:1-11
God cannot be deceived 5:3-4 Lying can be done silently 5:2 Full knowledge = “collusion” 5:2,9 Satan is the instigator of lies 5:3 (Jn 8:44) Lying starts in the heart 5:3-4 (Mk 7:20-23) Lying is not only to men, but to God 5:3,4 Lies lead to more lies (to keep original lie covered up) 5:7-8 Lying puts the Spirit of the Lord to the test 5:9 Lying is a serious offence 5:5,6; 9-10 (Rev 21:8) Account should cause great fear to come over us 5:5,11

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