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The Ocean General Circulation (satellite). Mean Circulation in the Ocean Gulf Stream.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ocean General Circulation (satellite). Mean Circulation in the Ocean Gulf Stream."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ocean General Circulation (satellite)

2 Mean Circulation in the Ocean Gulf Stream

3 Mean Circulation in the Ocean Gulf Stream California Current

4 Annual mean Salinity Map

5 Surface 500 meter depth Dissolved Oxygen

6 Gulf Stream, Plankton Bloom

7 Gulf Stream Spiral Eddies

8 Mediterranean Sea, Shear Wall Spiral Eddies

9 Tropical Atlantic, Spiral Eddy

10 Greek Island, Spiral Eddies and Wakes

11 Strait of Gibralter, Solitons

12 Eastern Pacific Internal Waves

13 Kelvin Waves, from Ships

14 Coastal Dynamics California Filaments and Phytoplankton Hawaiian Island Wakes

15 Learning Objectives How does the wind drive surface currents Oceanic gyres Ekman currents and transport Upwelling and Downwelling Western and Eastern Boundary currents Inertial currents Ocean wind driven circulation

16 Ocean is heated from above Feels both Mechanical forcing by the winds Thermal forcing from the sun Boundaries and complex geometry associated with continents and bottom topography Ocean is denser than atmosphere Tides Salinity Atmosphere has clouds and moisture Some important differences between ocean and atmosphere


18 How is the energy of the winds transferred to the ocean? Ekman Theory …

19 How does wind force propagate in the ocean? surface 100 meter depth balance between friction and rotation

20 1 2

21 Ekman Theory …and vertical advection in the ocean COASTAL UPWELLING and DOWNWELLING OPEN OCEAN EKMAN PUMPING

22 Figure 8.11A

23 Figure 8.11B

24 Figure 8.9

25 Effects of Ekman Currents

26 Atmosphere Ocean 30 60

27 Trades Westerlies Upwelling and Downwelling at continental margin Upwelling and Downwelling in the gyres Effects of Ekman Transport

28 Sea surface height



31 Major oceanic circulation systems

32 Figure 8.13

33 Surface 150 meter depth Temperature

34 F pressure F Coriolis 1)Particle will have the Coriolis force 90 degrees to the right 2)Particles will tend to move along line of constant pressure 3)Particles will have the high pressure on their right (same as Coriolis) Some practical rules to remember: High Pressure Low Pressure Applies to the Ocean same as Atmosphere!

35 Inertia Currents Balance between Acceleration, Coriolis and Friction.

36 End of lecture

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