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Polyatomic Ionic Formulas

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1 Polyatomic Ionic Formulas

2 Polyatomic Ions + N H H H H What does NH4+ mean?
Ion contains: 1 Nitrogen H H N Ion contains: 4 Hydrogens H H Overall Charge: +1

3 Symbols for Polyatomic Ions
This charge applies to the ENTIRE ION Symbol: Ion Charge NH4 +

4 Writing Formulas – Equal Charges
If the charge on the cation and anion are ________, drop the charges and put the two ions together equal Example) Al3+ PO  AlPO4

5 Polyatomic Ions – Unequal Charges
Let’s just look at an example with a polyatomic ion. Write the ionic formula for: Barium Nitrate What’s the problem? How could we fix it?

6 Writing Ionic Formulas-Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 1) Write the cation first, then the anion. Barium Nitrate Ba2+ NO3- Same as before

7 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 2) Put parenthesis ( ) around the polyatomic ion or ions. Leave the charge on the outside! Barium Nitrate Ba2+ (NO3)- New Step!!

8 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 3) Drop the + and – (but NOT the numbers!!) Barium Nitrate Ba2 (NO3)1 Same as before

9 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 4) Cross the charges. Leave the crossed charges on the outside!! Barium Nitrate Ba2 (NO3)1 Ba1(NO3)2 Same as before – with a twist!!

10 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 5) Drop any “1”. ALSO: If you drop a “1” for a polyatomic ion, you may also drop parenthesis ( ) Barium Nitrate Ba1(NO3)2 Ba(NO3)2 Same as before – with a twist!!

11 Another Look Ba(NO3)2 1 Ba 2 SETS of NO3 1 Ba 2 N 6 O
What does this mean? Ba(NO3)2 1 Ba 2 SETS of NO3 1 Ba 2 N 6 O

12 Writing Ionic Formulas-Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 1) Write the cation first, then the anion. Ammonium Phosphate NH4+ PO43- Same as before

13 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 2) Put parenthesis ( ) around the polyatomic ion or ions. Leave the charge on the outside! Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)+ (PO4)3- New Step!!

14 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 3) Drop the + and – (but NOT the numbers!!) Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)1 (PO4)3 Same as before

15 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 4) Cross the charges. Leave the crossed charges on the outside!! Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)1 (PO4)3 (NH4)3(PO4)1 Same as before – with a twist!!

16 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
STEP EXAMPLE 5) Drop any “1”. ALSO: If you drop a “1” for a polyatomic ion, you may also drop parenthesis ( ) Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)3(PO4)1 (NH4)3PO4 Same as before – with a twist!!

17 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
EXAMPLE Magnesium Hydroxide Mg2+ OH- Mg2+ (OH)- Mg2 (OH)1 Mg1(OH)2 Mg(OH)2

18 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
EXAMPLE Lead (IV) Carbonate Pb4+ CO32- Pb4+ (CO3)2- Pb4 (CO3)2 Pb2(CO3)4 Pb(CO3)2

19 Writing Ionic Formulas – Polyatomic Ions
EXAMPLE Silver Chlorate Ag+ ClO3- Notice: The cation charge is +1 and the anion is -1 AgClO3

20 (NH4)2O NH4+ O2- Ammonium Oxide
Names – Example 1 (NH4)2O NH4+ O2- Ammonium Oxide

21 BaCrO4 Ba2+ CrO42- Barium Chromate
Names – Example 2 BaCrO4 Ba2+ CrO42- Barium Chromate

22 Fe2(C2O4)3 Fe3+ C2O42- Iron (III) Oxalate
Names – Example 3 Fe2(C2O4)3 Fe3+ C2O42- Iron (III) Oxalate

23 K3PO4 K+ (PO4)3- Potassium phosphate
Names – Example 4 K3PO4 K+ (PO4)3- Potassium phosphate

24 Group Practice Ionic Formulas and Names – Polyatomic Ions – Group Practice

25 Group Practice - Check Station Cation Anion Ionic Formula Ionic Name 1
Aluminum CO32- 2 NH4+ PO43- 3 Ba2+ Nitrate 4 Iron (III) SO32- 5 Li+ BrO3- 6 Nitride

26 Group Practice - Check Station Cation Anion Ionic Formula Ionic Name 7
Cu2+ CO32- 8 Al3+ Phosphate 9 Pb2+ OH- 10 Pb4+ SO32-

27 Group Practice - Check Station Cation Anion Ionic Formula Ionic Name 1
Al3+ CO32- Al2(CO3)3 Aluminum carbonate 2 NH4+ PO43- (NH4)3PO4 Ammonium Phosphate 3 Ba2+ Nitrate Ba(NO3)2 Barium Nitrate 4 Iron (III) SO32- Fe2(SO3)3 Iron (III) Sulfite 5 Li+ BrO3- LiBrO3 Lithium Bromate 6 N3- (NH4)3N Ammonium nitrate

28 Group Practice - Check Station Cation Anion Ionic Formula Ionic Name 7
Cu2+ CO32- CuCO3 Copper (II) Carbonate 8 Al3+ PO43- AlPO4 Aluminum Phosphate 9 Pb2+ OH- Pb(OH)2 Lead (II) Hydroxide 10 Pb4+ SO32- Pb(SO3)2 Lead (IV) Sulfite

29 Group Practice - Check (NH4)3N Ammonium Nitrate FeSO3 Iron(II) Sulfite
Fe2(SO3)3 Iron(III) Sulfite KNO3 Potassium Nitrate Cd3(BO3)2 Cadmium Borate

30 Independent Practice Ionic Formulas and Names – Polyatomic Ions – Individual Practice Let me know if you have any questions!!!

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