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Summary of Software Components and Libraries Track Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 13-17 February 2006, T.I.F.R. Mumbai, India P. Hristov,

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Software Components and Libraries Track Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 13-17 February 2006, T.I.F.R. Mumbai, India P. Hristov,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Software Components and Libraries Track Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 13-17 February 2006, T.I.F.R. Mumbai, India P. Hristov, L. Moneta CERN

2 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 2 Summary ✦ Review of LCG Application area software ✦ Data Management ✦ Historical overview (J. Shiers) ✦ ROOT I/O ✦ Relation Databases (4 talks) ✦ Condition Databases (3 talks) ✦ Reflection in C++ (2 talks) ✦ Math and Statistical libraries and tools (5 talks) ✦ Geometry representation (3 talks) ✦ Graphics and Visualization (6 talks) ✦ Visualization for quantitative analysis in nuclear physics (S. Niranjani) ✦ MC Generators services (2 talks) ✦ Integrated development environment (Eclipse) ✦ Total of 32 talks (2 missing, no-show )

3 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 3 LCG Application Software  Common Application software for the experiments (P. Mato)  Goals  Minimize duplications  Software re-use  Simplify use of external libraries  integration elements (dictionaries, scripting, plug-in management )  LCG AA Projects:  SPI, ROOT, POOL, SIMU  seek confirmation that all products developed are used by the experiments  crucial to keep strong contacts with experiments 3

4 P. Hristov, L. Moneta, 4 ROOT I/O  Recent developments of ROOT I/O and Trees (P. Canal)  exhaustive list of new features introduced recently in ROOT Main focus: Consolidation (Thread Safety) Generic Object Reference support User defined reference objects supported by User defined reference handlers (proxies) Important features requested by the experiments are implemented

5 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 5 Relational DataBases ✦ CORAL (I. Papadopoulos) ✦ a software system for vendor-neutral access to relational databases POOL (G. Govi) ✦ CORAL integrated in the software of LHC experiments (CMS, ATLAS and LHCb) ✦ directly (i.e. on-line applications) ✦ indirectly (COOL, POOL)

6 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 6 Relational DataBases (Experiments View) ✦ ATLAS ✦ Distributed DataBase Services Client library (A. Vaniachine) ✦ contribution to CORAL ✦ A Flexible distributed event level metadata system (D. Mallon) ✦ tag database for rapid and efficient event selection ✦ based on POOL collections ✦ implemented in ROOT and relation database back-end ✦ only user of POOL of that functionality

7 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 7 Conditions DataBase ✦ DataBases to store time varying data ✦ COOL : Development and Deployments (A. Valassi) ✦ holds condition data for reconstruction and analysis ✦ access data from PVSS, local file catalog (LFC) and bookeeping ✦ implementation in ORACLE, MySQL and SQLite ✦ Now in deployment phase (ATLAS and LHCb) ✦ fully integrated in experiment frameworks ✦ Benefits from other LCG projects ✦ CORAL, SEAL and 3D project ✦ Performance studies ( poster 338 )

8 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 8 Conditions DataBase (2) ✦ Multiple persistency technologies for the BABAR Condition DataBase ✦ migration is in progress to move away from Objectivity ✦ Conditions DataBase of LHCb (M. Clemencic) ✦ conditions DB conversion service of Gaudi ✦ based on COOL

9 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 9 C++ Reflection ✦ Reflex (S. Roiser) ✦ an important step in the consolidation of C++ Reflection Software ✦ JIL (D. Lawrence) ✦ tool to make object persistent (serializer) ✦ support for legacy file formats and allow metadata ✦ satisfy only specific requirements (GlueX experiment)

10 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 10 ✦ New Developments of ROOT Mathematical Libraries ✦ new Vector package (3D and 4D) ✦ SMatrix (for small matrices with fixed size) Mathematical and Statistical Libraries ✦ Fitting and Minimization ✦ Minuit2 (C++) ✦ Linear Fitter ✦ Robust Fitter ✦ SPlot (unfolding)

11 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 11 ✦ Repository for Physics Statistical Software ✦ many statistical code available on individual base ✦ Loose control from moderators ✦ Web site has been established (with policies for submitting) ✦ Next: classification/validation, extending the scope (adding extensions, enhance portability, etc..) ➡ Added value is from users (submit code, provide comments and feedback) Mathematical and Statistical Tools (1)

12 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 12 ✦ Power of Goodness of Fit tests (M.G. Pia) ✦ test statistical power of the various tests available in the toolkit ✦ classify tests as a function of distribution characteristics: ✦ skewness and tail-weight ✦ presented results for un-binned distributions ✦ no clear winner ✦ interesting results ✦ recommendation: ✦ first classify distributions ✦ choose most appropriate tests ✦ publication with results in progress Mathematical and Statistical Tools (2) ➡ valuable tool for the HEP community

13 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 13 ✦ StatPatternRecognition (I. Narsky) ✦ C++ package for multivariate classification of event data ✦ used in BaBar data analysis ✦ Boost Trees give significant improvements with respect to other methods (Neural network) ✦ it would be very useful for LHC data analysis ✦ package has some external dependencies (on some BaBar software, CLHEP, CERNLIB, ROOT) ✦ would be nice if could be used easily from ROOT (like RooFit) Mathematical and Statistical Tools (3)

14 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 14 ✦ Operation Research in HEP (A. De Min) ✦ Examples of application of Linear Programming techniques in high energy physics ✦ Linear Programming: ✦ minimize linear function subject to some constraints ✦ used a lot in logistic and schedule optimizations (airlines) ✦ possible application in HEP: ✦ patter recognition and outliers removal ✦ detector alignment ✦ analysis optimization ✦ various tools (library) available ✦ commercially and as open source packages Mathematical and Statistical Tools (4)

15 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 15 PAX ✦ PAX Toolkit (Physics Analysis Expert) (S. Kappler) ✦ valuable the possibility to define set of competitive physics processes (signal and background) ✦ probably missing some functionality (kinematic constraints) 15

16 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 16 Geometry Modeling and Description (1) ✦ ROOT Geometry ✦ New features in ROOT geometrical modeler for representing non ideal geometries (A. Gheata) add misalignments in perturbative approach ✦ provided support for complex mis- alignment of geometrical elements ✦ access to same geometry in simulation and reconstruction ✦ benefits also from the TGeo visualization capabilities ✦ necessary to check for overlaps and extrusions (TGeo functionality)

17 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 17 ✦ can be used as primary geometry description ✦ proved to be very useful to have an application-independent geometry description language ✦ geometry can be moved between applications ✦ GDML : Geometry Description Markup Language (W. Pokorski) ✦ describe GDML and its ✦ Using XML in the Virtual MC framework (M. Potekhin) ✦ used to describe STAR geometry ✦ based on a different description (AGDD) 17 Geometry Modeling and Description (2)

18 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 18 Graphics and Visualization (1) ✦ ROOT 3D Graphics (R. Brun) ✦ use of OpenGL for displaying 3D objects ✦ profit of GL features: ✦ rendering ✦ 3 draw style, vector output, support for composite shapes) ✦ cameras ✦ perspective and orthographic cameras ✦ manipulators, guides, clipping ✦ GL viewer ✦ GL in a ROOT Pad ✦ good performances ✦ can take advantage of hardware acceleration ✦ next step is to have animations ✦ follow track/shower for event display ➡ significant progress in last years

19 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 19 Graphics and Visualization (2) ✦ V-Atlas (V. Tsulaia) ✦ event visualization based on OpenInventor ✦ multifunctional event display ✦ extensively used as debugging tool ✦ going to be used as Event Display at ATLAS Point 1 ➡ complementary to Atlantis ✦ AliEVE : Alice Event Visualization Environment (M. Tadel) ✦ after using VSD and GLED use now CINT scripts and ROOT native GUI ✦ visualize using ROOT GL viewer ➡ completed prototype cycle (investigation/analysis/development) ✦ GLED (M. Tadel) ✦ A ROOT based framework for dynamic visualization and distributed computing ✦ used also for visualization of ALICE distributed analysis

20 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 20 Physics Work Environment ✦ Eclipse (W. Lavrijsen) ✦ physicist work environment ✦ useful tool for multi-language environment as ATLAS ✦ help in tools integration ✦ can easily interface to external tools (i.e. cmt for building) ➡ Some concerns on heavy resource usage

21 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 21 Conclusions ✦ Significant number of presentations from LCG projects ✦ 7 of the 32 presentations ✦ consolidation of the common software ✦ projects are moving from active development to deployment ✦ Adoption of common software from LHC experiments ✦ success will be defined by their validation and usage ✦ Large use of relational databases through different interfaces ✦ being integrated with existing software systems ✦ Various talks on mathematical and statistical libraries and tools ✦ Some interesting new developments (statistical tools for event classification) ✦ Substantial progress in graphics and visualization software

22 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 22 Acknowledgments ✦ Thanks to all the speakers ✦ very interesting content ✦ high quality presentations ✦ Many thanks to the conference organizer

23 Extra Slides

24 P. Hristov, L. Moneta, 24 Data Management  Evolution of DataBase in HEP (Jamie Shiers)  Evolution of Data Base in HEP from the 92 CHEP conference until now

25 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 25 Algorithms(2) ✦ Kalman filter for track based alignment (E. Widl) ✦ restrict matrix to detector units which have significant correlations with the ones in the current track ✦ propose algorithm to control list of detector units with a threshold to avoid too large values (tune threshold on real track)

26 P. Hristov, L. Moneta 26 MC Generators for LHC ✦ MonteCarlo Generator Services for LHC (M. Kirsanov) ✦ guarantee the generator support for LHC ✦ GENSER (Generator Service Library) ✦ provide various level of testing ✦ portability to new compilers (gcc4) ✦ collaborate with MC authors to provide support ✦ standardize on a common MC truth format (HEPMC) ✦ MCDB (data base) keep track of full generation chain, storage for shared event ✦ CEDAR (B.M. Waugh) ✦ archive of HEPDATA ✦ tools for validating and tuning models (PDF’s) ✦ XML data format ✦ HZTool ✦ includes data from various expts ✦ takes data from HEPEVT ✦ have utilities ✦ RIVET ( OO to replace HZTool) ✦ make use of existing libraries ✦ newer interfaces HEPMC or AIDA ✦ move to use GENSER

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