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‘Be the change you want to be in the world’ Work and inclusion factors for success and failure Dr. Hans Kröber

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Presentation on theme: "‘Be the change you want to be in the world’ Work and inclusion factors for success and failure Dr. Hans Kröber"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Be the change you want to be in the world’ Work and inclusion factors for success and failure Dr. Hans Kröber

2 Content Introduction Framework for the discussions About inclusion & work What think people themselves? Problem: some figures It starts with value orientation (short film) Three strategies

3 Inclusion Schalock & Verdugo distinguish 8 domains of QL. Inclusion is one of the domains that often does not live up its promise. There is consensus about the fact that Inclusion is a domain of QL (Emerson, 1996; Mansell en Ericson 1996, Martin et. al 2011).)

4 Inclusion is about Being positive about diversity Facilitating full participation Elimination of discrimination Enjoyment of all human rights Community based services A welcome society Living independently and being included in the society Three levels of Schalock (micro/meso/macro)

5 UN Convention CRPD Philosophy behind the UN Convention Article 24 about education Article 27 about work Ratification in Europe Dutch Coalition For Inclusion

6 Work Important aspects -Contribution and participation -Income -Contacts with colleagues -Personal development and using talents -Social roles and being valued

7 Paid work and inclusion SE / IPS / Individual Job (++) Enclave (+-) Work team (+-) Social firm (++)

8 System “ I

9 What think people themselves I went to a special school and was frequently bullied there. After I left school I ended up in a special daycare center. I tried to work at a sheltered workshop but that was to much pressure for me” (Richard M.) “ I just want to work for my money, I don’t want to hold my hand or work in a sheltered workshop, I want a normal job” ( Cor V.) “I just feel part of the society and I do my utmost to belong to it by not doing silly things, try to behave properly, they are satisfied about me” (Gerard ˜G.) “I am not looking for people with a much higher level…if it is higher, then I do not feel comfortable about it” (Patrick K.)

10 Figures There is a problem 50 million disabled people in Europe Employment rate 50 % versus 68 % Employment rate (16-24) 27% versus 45 % Employment rate well educated 48% versus 85% Source cross-over 2010, B. van Lierop

11 1 Top down: government legislation /regulations/ financing system 2 Middle: support and care organizations & local stakeholders 3 Bottom up: People with a disability, advocates Three strategies


13 UN Convention European legislation National legislation Local regulations Success factors: Consistent legislation; Financial incentives / dealing with clashing of logics / denouncing bottlenecks /anti- discrimination legislation/equal treatment acts / wage dispensation /tender policy / policy on inclusion in education and work /strong- facilitated - advocate groups/ good examples; push & pull; welcome environment 1.Legis- lation

14 2.Stake- holders Vision Leadership Structure & Culture Professionals Succesfactors Vision on inclusion & QL; value orientation leadership; hands-on approach; transition from school; tailor made support; job carving; decentralized; open culture to each other and environment ; sharing knowledge and experience; value orientation professionals; equipment; working strategies SE /IP;training on the job; dealing with bureaucracy.

15 3.Persons & advocates Behavior & skills Advantages Information Network & advocates Success factors Adaptive behavior and skills; experience benefits; being informed possibilities; partner in the whole process; having a social network (advocates); empowerment (having a voice))

16 What can be done? Co-create with all the people involved on an interactive base Persons and advocates in the lead; pressure groups ; influence legislation; influence financing systems; denouncing bottlenecks; Use good examples; promote value orientation on all levels; Realize an open organization culture with a value orientation on inclusion in the workplace; with equipped professionals (job coaches); using strategies like IPS/SE/PFP; Good information about complex regulation. Focus on the success and failure factors of three strategies

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