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Published byClinton Pitts Modified over 9 years ago
Gwastraff anifeiliaid / Animal wastes Prosiect CEFN Conwy Project
Cefndir / Background ~ 90% o wastraff organig y DU / ~90% of organic waste in the UK Cynnydd / Increase – Dwyshad / Intensification – Gaeafu dan do / Increased farm housing – Carthion yn gymysg â hylif (slyri) / Faeces mixed with liquid waste (slurry)
Gwaredu ar dir / Disposal to land Hen arferiad / Ancient practice Manteisiol i bridd, ail- gyflwyno maethion / Benefits soils, re- introduces nutrients Sydyn & hawdd / Quick & easy Rhad / Cheap ‘Clymu’ a diwenwyno cemegion a phatogenau/ ‘Binds’ and detoxifies chemicals and pathogens
Chwalu gwastraff / Spreading waste Dadansoddi gwastraff cyn chwalu / Analyse wastes before spreading Faint i chwalu yn dibynnu ar / how much to spread depends on – Y math o wastraff / Waste type – Math a chyflwr y pridd / Soil type and condition – Faint sydd wedi’i chwalu o’r blaen / Past applications – Math o gnwd / Crop type
Ond… But… Cyfrifol am ~55% o achosion o lygredd amaethyddol / Accounts for ~ 55% of agricultural pollution incidents Allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr / Greenhouse gas emissions Pathogenau / Pathogens – E. coli O157 – Salmonellae – Campylobacter – Cryptosporidium
Pathogenau / Pathogens Anifeiliaid heintiedig ddim yn dangos symptomau Lefelau yn amrywio gyda oed yr anifail, diet, tymor Gall arwain at heintio dynol – Lefelau isel sydd angen – Plant, henoed a phobl o gefndir trefol Cylchynu’r pathogenau yn yr amgylchedd Ail-heintio anifeiliaid Infected animals asymptomatic Levels vary with animal age, diet, season May lead to human infection – Low infection dose – Children, elderly and those of urban background Cycling of pathogens in the environment Re-infection of animals
Goroesiad E. coli O157 survival
Cylch ecolegol fawr / Large ecological cycle Bovine reservoir Bovine/Ovine reservoir Crops and soil Surface water Ground water Wild birds and other vectors
Y sefyllfa / The issue (1) Gall chwalu gwastraff anifeiliaid arwain at lygru microbaidd (e.e. wedi glaw trwm) Rheoliadau cynyddol gaeth o ran gwaredu gwastraff (WFD, traws-gydymffurfio, NVZ, ayyb) AY yn monitro safon dŵr yn aml Spreading animal wastes may lead to microbial pollution (e.g. following heavy rainfall) Increasingly stringent regulations regarding waste disposal (WFD, cross-compliance, NVZ, etc.) EA regularly monitor water quality
Y sefyllfa / The issue (2) Colli incwm gan ffermwyr a’r economi ehangach – Gwelyau cregyn gleision Conwy (£270,000 o golled y flwyddyn) – Twristiaeth Angen adnabod y ffynhonnell/au (gwaith carffosiaeth, meysydd carafannau, cychod, ffermydd, adar) Potential loss of money to farmers, plus the wider economy – Conwy mussel beds (£270,000 loss per annum) – Tourism Need to identify the source/s (sewage works, caravan parks, boats, farms, birds)
Proffil: Gwastraff lladd-dy Profile: Abattoir waste
Chwalu ar y wyneb Surface application
…nawr wedi ei wahardd …now banned
Y gyfraith The law Gellir chwalu gwastraff os profir 1) bod hynny’n ddiogel a 2) ei fod o fudd amaethyddol / Can be spread if 1) proven to be safe and 2) has agricultural benefit Asesu effaith elifiant lladd-dy ar dyfiant glaswellt Abattoir effluent on pasture growth
Chwalu gwastraff eraill? Spreading other organic wastes? Helpu i leihau dibyniaeth ar wrtaith artiffisial; ond dylir cofio am ficrobau Will help reduce reliance on artificial fertiliser; but need to remember about microbes
Gwastraff bwyd a chompost Food waste and compost
Llaid carthion Sewage sludge
Lleihau llygru microbaidd Reducing microbial pollution Beth ddylem wneud fel diwydiant? – Wedi cael digon ar gael eich gwylio, arolygu a’ch monitro? – “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” – Angen bod yn ragweithiol – Yr un atebion i bob problem, mwy neu lai – Gall CEFN eich helpu What do we do as an industry? – Fed up of being watched, inspected and monitored? – “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” – Pro-active approach needed – Effectively a “one-size fits all” approach – CEFN can play a role
Spreading methods
Dulliau chwalu Spreading methods Ar y wyneb / Surface application Chwistrellu (bas neu ddyfn) / Injection (shallow or deep)
Chwalu ar y wyneb v chwistrellu Surface application v injection Manteision chwistrellu – Lleihau colliant o amonia – Llai o ddŵr ffo – Llai o effaith ar flasusrwydd glaswellt – Rhoi’r maetholion yn nes at wreiddyn y planhigyn – Yn gyffredinol, llai o chwalu pathogenau a lleihau eu goroesiad Benefits of injection – Reduced ammonia loss – Reduced runoff – Less effects on grass palatability – Places nutrients in plant- root zone – Generally, reduced spread and persistence of pathogens
Goroesiad E. coli O157 survival Avery et al. 2004
‘Ffiltro’ gan wlypdir ‘Filtering’ by wetlands “Dal” microbau / “Captures” microbes
Lleihau goroesiad a gwasgariad pathogenau Reducing pathogen survival + dispersal Gadael digon o amser rhwng hel a chwalu / Allow sufficient time from collection to spreading Troi tail neu awyru slyri / Effective turning of manure pile or slurry (aeration) Chwalu yn ofalus / Careful land-spreading Lleoli storfeydd yn ofalus / Careful placement of stores
OptionBenefitsDrawbacksComments No Treatment (Direct spreading) Routine Task. Least cost. Avoids need for intensive spreading campaign. Poor utilisation of nutrient. Risk of land damage. Pollution risk. Common option. Storage Better nutrient utilisation by targeted spreading. Flexibility. Enables treatment options. Crusting and sedimentation problems. Capital costs. Increased odour potential. Integral component of treatment processes. Mechanical Separation Reduces liquid volume. Reduces crusting and sedimentation in storage. Improved homogeneity. Easier pumping. Composting of fibre Cost of pit, pump, gantry and separator. Operational costs. Reliability. Important process for store management and crop utilisation. Used with biological treatment processes. Aerobic treatment Reduces odour and BOD. Provides mixing. Generates heat, which could be utilised. Capital and operational costs. Separation necessary for most slurries. Selection of optimum system difficult. Best option where environmental pollution is a risk, particularly odour. Anaerobic digestion Reduces odour and BOD. Biogas production. Easier handling of liquid. High costs. Management critical. Continuous gas’ production requires use if benefits are not to be lost. Continuous process. Attractive option. where energy supply an issue. Solids composting Reduces odours. Saleable product. Can include other by- products. Volatile emissions. Capital and operational costs. Marketing skills required. Very important to establish markets before following this route.
Casgliadau / Conclusions Gall gwastraff amaethyddol gynnwys pathogenau Nifer o ffyrdd i leihau goroesiad a gwagariad pathogenau Pwysig fod ffermwyr yn ran o unrhyw benderfyniadau Gwell cael cynllun gwirfoddol Bydd prosiect CEFN yn gymorth i ffermwyr leihau’r siawns o lygredd microbaidd Agricultural wastes may harbour pathogens Many ways to minimise pathogen survival and propagation Important that farmers are involved in any decision- making Better if a voluntary scheme CEFN project will help farmers reduce chances of causing microbial pollution
Cyllidir y project hwn yn rhannol trwy’r Cynllun Datblygu Gwledig a gyllidir yn rhannol gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. This project is part funded through the Rural Development Plan which is part financed by the European Union and the Welsh Assembly Government. Cwestiynau? Questions?
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