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1. To observe the buoyant force acting on an object immersed in a liquid. 2. To prove that the amount of water displaced is equal to the buoyant force.

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2 1. To observe the buoyant force acting on an object immersed in a liquid. 2. To prove that the amount of water displaced is equal to the buoyant force.

3 Tools: - Beaker- ball –cube -dynamometer- Vernier Calliper- cube- ball water Theory: Archimedes’ principle states that a body immersed in a liquid is acted upon by a buoyant force F, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight G of the displaced liquid.

4 Laboratory results: 1. Buoyant force = (the weight of the body in the air - the weight of the body in the liquid) 2. weight of water displaced = volume of the body × density of water× gravitational acceleration The Volume of the cube=L 3 The Volume of the ball = π ×4/3 ×r 3



7 Steps: 1.Susbend a cube in the dynamometer and read its This is w 1. 2.Submerge the cube in the water by raising the beaker and read its weight. This is w 2 3. Repeat stes 1 and 2 using the metal ball. 4.Find the dimensions of the body using Vernier caliper and concluded the Volume. 5-Calculate Buoyant force and the weight of displaced water and then compare them

8 Data. Table1 F b = w 3 Buoyant force w 3(air-water) W 2(water) W 1(air) Objects 1.cube 2.ball

9 Weight of water displaced g(kg.m/s 2 ) ρ (kg /m 3 ) Volume(m 3 ) Objects 1.cube 2.ball W (H2Odisplaced ) =v. ρ. g Table2

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