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Bellringer SOL Challenge BJOTD: How do you make a tissue dance? – Suggested by Sam King.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer SOL Challenge BJOTD: How do you make a tissue dance? – Suggested by Sam King."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer SOL Challenge BJOTD: How do you make a tissue dance? – Suggested by Sam King

2 World War II: 1939-1941

3 Propaganda during the War Propaganda: information or material spread to advance a cause or hurt an opponent’s cause Used to stir up support for the war effort – Rationing – War bonds – Unity against a common enemy – Encourage civilians to work longer or harder Often portrayed the enemy in derogatory ways and your side

4 Review Italy, Germany, and Japan have formed the Axis Powers Italy has taken Ethiopia – League of Nations did nothing Germany has taken the Sudetenland, Austria, and the Rhineland – British and French following policy of appeasement What next?

5 September 1, 1939—the Germans Invade Poland Beginning of WWII Accomplished by the use of the “blitzkrieg” tactic – “lightning war” – Planes rain bombs down at the same time as slower troops and tanks cross the border—the goal was to take the enemy by surprise Even though France and England declare war against Germany on September 3, 1939 Poland falls within 3 weeks


7 Other Moves in Scandinavia/Poland After Germany took over Poland, the USSR moves into the Western half of the country and takes control. Hitler takes control of Denmark and Norway by April 9, 1940

8 May of 1940—the Invasion of France Germans sent their forces through the Ardennes, around the Maginot Line – Maginot Line: a line of defenses built by the French along their border to keep the Germans out



11 May 26 th - June 4, 1940—the Evacuation at Dunkirk Germans had trapped all the allied forces in the north of France – Forced Belgium to surrender to the Germans The allies escaped to the beaches at Dunkirk Great Britain sent their entire navy to rescue the stranded men and bring them to Great Britain – 338,000 men saved


13 June 14 th, 1940—Fall of France June 10 th : sensing a quick end, Mussolini joins with Hitler to finish off France By June 14 th, Paris falls to the Germans How many countries have now fallen to the Germans?

14 September 7 th, 1940-May 10 th, 1941: The Battle of Britain After the fall of France, Great Britain is next target for Germans – Great Britain is led by Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister Hitler’s plan: to destroy Britain’s infrastructure through the bombing of shipping centers, air bases, political targets, etc so that he can launch his invasion plan Operation Sea Lion – Hitler’s plan of an aerial and land invasion of Britain Bombing by day and night continues until May, when Hitler, surprised by the resistance, calls off the attacks


16 September 1940-april 1941: Fights in North Africa and the Balkans Mussolini tries to take Egypt from the British in September 1940 – British push the Italians out by February 1941, Italy is hurting Hitler moves to help Italy and both sides go back and forth in North Africa Hitler also takes over Yugoslavia and Greece in April of 1941

17 June 22, 1941: Operation Barbarossa Hitler decides to break his agreement with the USSR and invade them. Germans move rapidly into USSR, but the Soviets are retreating and following a scorched earth policy September 8 th : Hitler loses at Leningrad October 2 nd : Hitler goes for Moscow, but is forced into a long siege due to the Winter



20 December 7 th, 1941: Pearl Harbor Before this, U.S. was officially neutral in WWII Japan wanted U.S. oil, but had been cut off by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt due to imperialist actions – Decided to attack SE Asia for oil instead Japan planned an attack on the American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to prevent it from attacking Japan in retaliation for more invasions On 12/7/1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor – 18 ships sunk/damaged, 2,400 Americans killed Congress declared war on Japan the next day – December 11 th : Germany declared war on the U.S.


22 WWII Cake Project will be due next Thursday or Friday (WWII Test Day) You may work with a partner You must have the recipe nicely presented, like the examples! WWII Chapter in Book: 16

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