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Antisocial Personality Disorder Izzy Adler, Thomas Brisbane, Alex Hirschfeld.

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2 Antisocial Personality Disorder Izzy Adler, Thomas Brisbane, Alex Hirschfeld

3 What is Antisocial Personality Disorder? The person demonstrates a lack of conscience for wrongdoing and a lack of respect for the rights of others. This disorder can be especially dangerous because often the person is willing to engage in criminal activity.

4 CausesSymptoms A combination of biological, psychological, and social factors PET Scans show significant reduced activity in the frontal lobes of a murderer More likely to occur in males than females, usually develops by adolescence People tend to appear charming and clever on the outside, which aids them in getting away with the acts they have committed Violent behavior due to lack of conscience

5 Treatment Once the disorder is in full effect, it becomes very hard to treat due to the resistance from the person that has it. Often, people with the disorder end up in jail; not receiving the help they need. (stop at 1:16)

6 Complications People with antisocial personality disorder are at an increased risk of… Drug and alcohol abuse Suicide Homicide Other mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety Other personality disorders such as borderline and narcissistic personality disorders Dying from a physical trauma Committing serious crimes

7 Background Information Early 1800s- People tried to understand criminals who were linked to crimes so repulsive that they were thought to be mentally insane. Their symptoms didn’t match up to any already recognized disorders Throughout 19 th century term “moral insanity” gained acceptance throughout the courts until it was replaced by “psychopathic inferiority” In 1939, Henderson defined ‘psychopathic states’ as those “who conform to a certain intellectual standard but who throughout their lives exhibit disorders of conduct of an antisocial or a social nature”.

8 Background continued In 1941 the US established core criteria around antisocial behaviors. In 1959 the term “psychopathic disorder” was incorporated into the Mental Health Act in the UK, which made it possible for people to seek help.

9 Antisocial Personality Disorder in Action

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