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MFI-8: Metamodel for Role & Goal Registration Peng Liang, Keqing He, Jian Wang Huafeng Chen, Chong Wang, Yangfan He SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China.

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Presentation on theme: "MFI-8: Metamodel for Role & Goal Registration Peng Liang, Keqing He, Jian Wang Huafeng Chen, Chong Wang, Yangfan He SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China."— Presentation transcript:

1 MFI-8: Metamodel for Role & Goal Registration Peng Liang, Keqing He, Jian Wang Huafeng Chen, Chong Wang, Yangfan He SKLSE, Wuhan University, P.R. China 2010.05.20

2 2 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

3 3 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

4 4 Motivation I want … I prefer … The system shall … I hope … In my opinion, … It would be better … I don’t like … The basic function … It should help me … System to be developed How to manage massive stakeholders and their needs in system development?

5 5 Motivation Roles & Goals are essential elements in system development Roles is used to classify and identify the actors of the system Each role has preferential intentions, including goals Goals provide a way to express higher level requirements Effective management of roles & goals contributes to goals reuse by roles

6 6 Typical example Actor Goal Role

7 7 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

8 8 Definitions in MFI-8 A role is abstract characterizations of organizational behaviours and responsibilities within specified organizational context. A goal is a descriptive statement of intent of a user or an organization, and it can be viewed as an objective that the system under consideration should achieve.

9 9 From: Resolution of Wuhan Meeting, September, 2008 Specify a metamodel for registering users’ Roles & Goals in specific domains that can be used to describe users’ intention. Define the decomposition and constraint relationships between goals. Scope of MFI-8 (1/2)

10 10 RM-ODP OMG-BMM FOAF NFRF KAOS … Registration Interoperation Role & Goal Registry based on MFI-8 Common Facilities in MFI Scope of MFI-8 (2/2) i* register Role & Goal Specifications Models

11 11 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

12 12 How MFI-8 is constructed Harmonization of various Role & Goal models for registration FOAF (Friend of a Friend, FOAF project) RM-ODP (Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing, ISO-19793) NFRF (Non-functional Requirement Framework, Open Group) OMG-BMM (Business Motivation Model, OMG) KAOS (Keep All Objects Satisfied, Université catholique de Louvain) i* (Goal-oriented requirements modeling, University of Toronto) …

13 13 Role & Goal concepts in FOAF

14 14 Role & Goal concepts in i*

15 15 Role & Goal concepts in KAOS

16 16 Role & Goal concepts in NFRF

17 17 Role & Goal concepts in OMG-BMM

18 18 Role & Goal concepts in RM-ODP

19 19 Mapping table of MFI-8 to various R&G models MFI-8FOAFi*KAOSNFRFOMG-BMMRMODP OrganizationGroupOrganizationCommunity RoleActorOrganization Unit Role Goal Operationaliz ingSoftGoal Vision, Goal ActorAgentActor Goal: Functional Goal Goal, Task Objective Goal: Non-functional Goal SoftGoalSoftGoal, ClaimGoal Goal: Operational Goal ConstraintObjective

20 20 Metamodel of Role & Goal registration Role Goal Goal elements Goal decomposition Constraint of Goals

21 21 Relationship with other parts in MFI Service is a concept from MFI-7 Process is a concept from MFI-5 annotation attributes are annotated by Ontology_Atomic_Construct from MFI-3 MFI-7 MFI-5 MFI-3 MFI-8

22 22 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

23 23 task soft-goal Register Role & Goal models with MFI-8 (1/2)

24 24 Register Role & Goal models with MFI-8 (2/2) MFI-8Instances of i* RoleMeeting Initiator (R1) Meeting Participant (R2) Goal: Functional GoalOrganize Meeting (G1) Meeting Be Scheduled (G2) Schedule Meeting (G3) Goal: Non-functional GoalQuick (G4) MandatoryupperOrganize Meeting (G1) lowerQuick (G4) ContributesourceSchedule Meeting (G3) targetQuick (G4)

25 25 Outline Motivation of this work Definition and scope of MFI-8 How MFI-8 is constructed Register Role & Goal models using MFI-8 Next step

26 26 Next steps Metamodel extension for Role & Goal registration with social information Harmonization with other Role & Goal models including social web standards Role & Goal registration for interoperable cloud Submit a CD version in June 2010

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