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Spain and France in the New World Who was here besides the British?

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1 Spain and France in the New World Who was here besides the British?





6 Spanish Colonization Came for gold Known as Conquistadors Cortes = important conquistador Went to conquer Aztecs – 600 soldiers – 17 horses – Dogs – Cannons

7 Aztecs/Cortes Montezuma was convinced Cortes was a god Aztec city didn’t seem like it could be invaded = very advanced Aztecs rebelled against Montezuma and stoned him to death Cortes eventually retook the city Forced Aztecs to mine gold and silver Disease-ridden

8 New Spain Capital – Mexico City Very large empire Extended from Florida Keys to Alaska and included areas like the Deep South and lower Midwest This later included New Mexico

9 Settlers Most men Known as peninsulares Marriage between peninsulares and Natives common = mestizo

10 Encomienda Favored officers became privileged landowners who controlled NA villages Exploited Natives Labor system – NA farmed, ranched, mined 1542 – Spanish monarchy abolished encomienda and began to use African slaves

11 French and NA Relied on Hurons, Ottawas, Ojibwas, and others Military alliances

12 French Colonization First came in 1524 – but didn’t set up any permanent settlements

13 Missionaries Catholic Missionaries dominant throughout Spanish empire in Americas Wanted to convert NA Determined to rid “heathen” people of native religion Tried to impose Spanish culture on them Burned objects sacred to NA

14 Juan Ponce de Leon Discovered Florida in 1513 Wanted to find “fountain of youth” Instead found alligators or swamp Abandoned further exploration of FL in 1562

15 Pope (with an accent on e) Rebellion 1680 – NA Pope organized rebellion Spaniards had accused Pope of practicing witchcraft Spanish driven out of New Mexico 400 Europeans killed NA burned Churches, executed priests, destroyed relics of Christianity 14 years and 4 military assaults for Spaniards to subdue region

16 Jacques Cartier Explored gulf of St. Lawrence and ventured up St. Lawrence River to Montreal Near Quebec – settled short-lived colony in 1541

17 Samuel de Champlain 1600s Established Acadia (Nova Scotia) and Quebec Fur traders negotiated with NA French Jesuit missionaris

18 Louis Jolliet and Piere Jacques Marquette Explored Mississippi River 1673

19 Robert Cavalier 1700s – New Orleans Came to control Canada and Mississippi River Sparsely populated Roman Catholic

20 English vs. French English colonists outnumbered French 1.5 million to 80,000 Established trading outposts rather than farms Many French married NA Didn’t have initial hostility with NA like many English

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