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Trait Theory. What is a trait? Trait- people’s characteristic behaviors and motives How do we measure personality? Personality Tests/ Body Type?

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Presentation on theme: "Trait Theory. What is a trait? Trait- people’s characteristic behaviors and motives How do we measure personality? Personality Tests/ Body Type?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trait Theory

2 What is a trait? Trait- people’s characteristic behaviors and motives How do we measure personality? Personality Tests/ Body Type?

3 William Sheldon Endorph (plump) :relaxed and jolly mesomorph (muscular): bold and physically active ectomorph: (thin): high strung and solitary Modest correlation Evaluate: Whats wrong with this theory?

4 Personality Inventories Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory-most widely used personality test 10 clinical scales (anxiety/overactive, social 15 content scales (work attitudes, anger, family problems) Lie Scale Evaluate: Do employers use more self report or peer report?

5 Big 5 Test evaluates 5 different characteristics (extraversion, stability, openness to new things, agreeableness, conscientiousness) Traits 50% inherited Apply to all cultures! bigfivequiz2.htm

6 Eysenck Personality Questionairee Factor analysis= cluster of items tap basic components Eyesenck Extraversion vs Introversion Emotionally Stable vs. Instability

7 Homework 1) Read 590-607 by Friday (concept Synthesis) 2) Answer the following questions in a well written paragraph. 1) Evaluate the trait theory. Do you agree with it? What are its strengths and weaknesses 2) Read pages 598-599. Compare your evaluation to that of David Myers. What are some things you agreed with? Disagreed with? (make sure to also explain the person-situation controversy and consistency of expressive style)

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