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Young Radio Sources associated with Broad Absorption Line Quasars

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1 Young Radio Sources associated with Broad Absorption Line Quasars
Takayuki HAYASHI (Univ. of Tokyo, NAOJ) A member of AGN WG in SKA-jp A. DOI (ISAS/JAXA), H. NAGAI (NAOJ) G. Bruni, K.-H. Mack (IRA/INAF), F. M. Montenegro-montes (APEX/ESO)

2 Introduction Extragalactic Radio Sources
Radio morphology Radiated by synchrotron radiation Cygnus A Lobe Hotspot Jet Jet Core Hotspot Lobe

3 Introduction: Main problems concerning about AGN jet
from cradle to grave Hada+ 2011 Nagai+ 2010 Kameno+ 2000 Nagai+ 2006

4 Introduction: to grave; how to evolve to radio galaxy
GPS/CSS sources Gigaheltz Peaked Spectrum / Compact Steep Spectrum Compact radio sources suffer from absorption (<10kpc) Odea+ 1998 Flux (Jy) Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Snellen+ 2000 linear size Correlation between “linear size” and “peak frequency”  ⇒ self-similar evolution from GPS to CSS. CSS GPS peak frequency

5 Introduction: to grave; how to evolve to radio galaxy
Radio galaxy and GPS/CSS sources GPS/CSS sources are young Correlation between age and linear size is kept even for radio galaxy ⇒ GPS/CSS sources evolve even to radio galaxy self similarly. Nagai, Ph.D.T 天体サイズ 天体年齢 Nagai, Ph.D. T linear size age CTD93; Nagai+ 2006

6 Introduction: to grave; how to evolve to radio galaxy
Remaining problems Why there are more GPS/CSS sources than expected from their linear size? (40% is GPS/CSS in flux limited sample ; O’dea+ 1998) Do all GPS/CSS sources evolve to radio galaxy ? “age of detected emitter” ≠ “age of radio activity of AGN” ? Recent progress Fading young radio sources (e.g., Orienti+ 2010) Extend emission indicating past activity (e.g., Baum+ 1990) Double-double radio galaxy showing recurrent radio activity (e.g., Konar+ 2006)  ⇒ AGN has recurrent radio activity ? Baum+ 1990 Recurrent double-double RG Konar+ 2006 Extended emission

7 Introduction: Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars
Blue-shifted metal absorption (e.g. CIV, Mg II) at rest-UV Very broad; Extremely large velocity; ~15% of quasars have BAL (SDSS DR5, Shen+2008) ⇒ Ionized AGN wind is absorber? Gregg+ 2000 CIV Proga+ 2000

8 Introduction: Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars
Radio jet in BAL quasars Many GPS/CSS sources are associated with BAL quasars (Montenegro-montes+ 2008) Small number of radio galaxy compared with non-BAL quasars (Gregg+ 2006) ⇒ disk possessing AGN winds also drive young radio sources ? FRIIが少ないことはどう説明するんだ?? YRSのover population問題は、リカレントが原因と思われるが、 > BLA/non-BALにかかわらずリカレントは普遍的に存在するのか?すなわち、 > non-BALで見つかっているYRSは単にリカレント現象を見ているのではないか? (Montenegro-montes+ 2008) ・Is the recurrence popular regardless whether the source is BAL or non-BAL ? ・Does the compactness of morphology indicate youngness ?

9 Introduction: Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars
The fraction of BAL = covering factor The orientation scheme The evolution scheme Radio jet: v<c Disk wind: v~0.1c The fraction of BAL = time having the wind Disk wind: v~0.1c

10 Observation: VLBA observation BD137 on 2010 Jun 25
L, C, and X band Dual pol. BK131 on 2006 Jun 18 P band (90cm; non detected at 50cm) ◆ Target:J detected by OCTAVE (Doi+ 2009) GPS天体 (Montenegro-monte+ 2008) Unresolved by VLA (Montenegro-monte+ 2008)

11 Result: Total intensity map
Hayashi, Doi & Nagai in prep. 1.7 GHz 327 MHz 4.9 GHz 8.3 GHz 11

12 Result: Spectral index and polarization map
Hayashi, Doi & Nagai in prep. 500pc 1.7–4.9GHz 1.7 GHz :E vector :degree of polarization Jet Undetected 500pc

13 Discussion: As BAL quasars
Radio core Is resolved into two sub component Peak frequency is 30GHz at rest  ⇒ the radio core is extremely young Recurrent activity Combined with the morphology “the source has recurrent activity and is active phase now” Past activity is shown in extended emission ? More past activity exist ? ⇒ Radio activity might not young. Emitter is just young. 40pc 8.3GHz core

14 Discussion: Another example of BAL quasars
Mrk231 (Reynolds+ 2009) (maybe) the nearest BAL quasar (Forstar+ 1995) 50pc-scale two-sided jet Active radio core ⇒ same as J jet No variability core Violent activity Reynolds+ 2009

15 Discussion: Orientation or Evolution ?
The fraction of BAL = covering factor The orientation scheme The evolution scheme Radio jet: v<c Disk wind: v~0.1c The fraction of BAL = time having the wind Disk wind: v~0.1c

16 Summary & Future: Proposal to Japanese VLBI
Do any other extended emission exist ? Summary GPS/CSS in non-BAL: YRSs are evolve to radio galaxy but large fraction of YRSs cannot be explained. Recurrent activity is essential. GPS/CSS in BAL: Larger fraction of YRSs in BAL quasars exists than in non-BAL. Some BAL quasars show recurrent activity. The situation is same as non-BAL ? BAL is more extreme case ? Towards SKA Disk having AGN winds also drive recurrent activity ? Detection of extended emission is the key to understand the recurrence. There might be larger amount of extended emission in BAL quasars. ⇒ connection between jet and disk can be proved !!


18 Discussion: As radio jet
General property Unpolarized core Two-sided jet Compact size (<1kpc) ⇒ J is a young radio source Comparison with radio SED CSS: kpc-scale jet GPS: the radio core

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