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Applique Status May18, 2015. Recent Highlight: Enhanced Devices Using Flexible Co-Extruded Layered Appliqués Structured appliqués to enhance the interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Applique Status May18, 2015. Recent Highlight: Enhanced Devices Using Flexible Co-Extruded Layered Appliqués Structured appliqués to enhance the interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applique Status May18, 2015

2 Recent Highlight: Enhanced Devices Using Flexible Co-Extruded Layered Appliqués Structured appliqués to enhance the interaction of light with photonic devices increased interaction time due to group velocity delay localization/enhancement of electromagnetic field at the device surface. Applications include spectral enhancements to  mirror/absorbing surfaces  Blue/UV photodiodes Photodiode appliqués Mirror reflection effects with 32-layer appliqué

3 Appliqués Spectral enhancement of absorption at a lossy smooth surface using removable appliqu é s Theory Experiment

4 Application-UV or blue enhanced photodiode


6 Effect of air gap between appliqué and SiO 2 with higher bilayer index down (PS) Reflectivity Theory Plots 25 nm gap 50 nm gap 100 nm gap 150 nm gap

7 Effect of air gap between appliqué and SiO 2 with lower bilayer index down (PMMA) Reflectivity Theory Plots 25 nm gap 50 nm gap 100 nm gap 150 nm gap

8 Measurements on Si wafer with PVDF-PMMA/PS 32 layer film

9 Reflectance measurements on Si wafer with PVDF-PMMA/PS 32 layer film Need to recheck sides

10 Another example

11 Photodiode performance-angle dependence

12 E x p e ri m e n t

13 Issues relating to the depth of the active p-n junction of the photodiode



16 The dip appears in the band when the high index side is against the mirror, but the dip location is not the same as the defect location for the folded system. See next slide Mirror

17 PMMA against the mirror (at right edge) PS against the mirror (at right edge) In both cases, I think you would want the dye in the layer that is NOT against the mirror. But it is not obvious whether the dye should be in the low index (long wavelength band edge lasing) or in the high index (band defect lasing) material? Mirror

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