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 Injuries is one area of the National Health Priority Areas. Injuries include: -Intentional Harm (Suicide) and - Non-Intentional Harm (Falls, poisoning,

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Presentation on theme: " Injuries is one area of the National Health Priority Areas. Injuries include: -Intentional Harm (Suicide) and - Non-Intentional Harm (Falls, poisoning,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Injuries is one area of the National Health Priority Areas. Injuries include: -Intentional Harm (Suicide) and - Non-Intentional Harm (Falls, poisoning, drowning, transport related injuries etc.)  Injuries can result in death or cause a range of physical, cognitive and psychological disabilities which reduce the quality of life.

3  To reduce the incidence and impact on health of injury in the Australian population.  It was one of the original NHPA because injuries are a leading cause of mortality and disability.  They are the main cause of death in Australia for people under 45.  Injuries are a major health care cost.  Also, injuries are highly preventable.

4  Injuries accounted for more than 1 in 20 hospitalisations in 2005- 06.  In the same years, injuries also accounted for 36% of all deaths of children aged 1-14 years of age.  And 70% of all deaths among 15-24 year olds.  Injuries were responsible for 7% of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia in 2003, with suicide, self-inflicted injuries, road traffic injuries and falls accounting for nearly two thirds of this burden.

5  Biological- Age, Sex 18-24 year old males are involved in risk taking behaviours more then females are, especially when it comes to injuries involving transport accidents.  Behavioural- Alcohol consumption Alcohol leads to more risk taking behaviours, such as drink driving.  Social- Occupation People (usually men) involved in trade jobs can suffer from injuries more often then other occupations.

6  Arrive Alive Campaign  TAC television commercials- “If you drink, then drive, you’re a bloody idiot.”


8  Direct: Community- Cost of health care and cost of prevention Individual- Cost of medical care, ambulance travel, Pharmaceutical expenses and allied health services.  Indirect- Community-Unpaid care, Reduced or lost productivity and Absenteeism. Individual- Travel costs and additional services.  Intangible- Community- Loss of an individual from a community due to premature death. Individual- Pain and suffering, Anxiety and stress due to reduced productively, loss of time and loss of quality of life.

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