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What Can Possibly Go In The Civil Works Process? Module 28 Civil Works Orientation Course - FY 11.

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2 What Can Possibly Go In The Civil Works Process? Module 28 Civil Works Orientation Course - FY 11

3 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? MODULE OBJECTIVE To reassure the student that although you may be paranoid, that does not mean that someone is not out to get you.

4 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Every step of the civil works project development process is fraught with peril.

5 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? You may be able to identify a problem, but not a willing or capable sponsor.

6 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? You may have a willing and capable sponsor, but no identified Federal interest problem.

7 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? HQUSACE decides that it’s time to implement...

8 OP3 Interface Xfer of Codes CEFMS PM (Primavera - P3e) OP (Oracle Project ) PRAC Interface The P2 Process Flow Transfer the project’s Activities Schedule Date Information Resource and Cost Information Transfer the project’s Resource and Cost (PRAC) Information to create the Work Item (WI) in CEFMS Transfer the project’s Activity Code information to CEFMS Note: Codes are transferred during the PRAC interface

9 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? You get the study team member from Hell.

10 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Cost estimates always increase, usually at the last minute.

11 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Benefits evaporate, also usually at the last minute.

12 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The real Risk and Uncertainty associated with H&H? Assuming that the initial calculations approximate the final.

13 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Your category 3 levee gets hit by a category 5 hurricane!??!!

14 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The regulation you cite as the basis for establishing the Federal interest for the proposed project... is the same regulation cited by the RIT as the basis for denying that a Federal interest exists.

15 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The Lawyers get involved in the negotiations/review for the (insert the title of whatever document is critical to your project at the particular moment).

16 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Just prior to preparation of your report, the Information Management Office announces that your office is to be immediately switched to a new computer software system located only on the central server computer. Guess how many months will pass before training is available, and how often the system crashes during the first three months.

17 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The budget estimate prepared in ten seconds three years ago for the J-Sheets is now a set-in-stone, no-excuses figure that is only 2/3 of your team’s initial estimate for the PMP.

18 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Key Study Team Members Will: 1) Get a Long Term Assignment Two Light Years Away 2) Get Seriously Ill 3) Get Pregnant 4) Get Divorced 5) Get a Promotion That Requires Replacement on Your Team 6) Always Be in Demand for Other Studies

19 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? You get the study/project that caused someone else to quit or retire.

20 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The big, well financed sponsor will always have problems meeting the financing schedule for the study/project, while the little guy is always right there when required. However, this does not apply when it would work to your advantage.

21 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? 30 days prior to the AFB you brief the Division Engineer on the site of the proposed project, explaining how wonderful the project will be, and how smoothly everything is proceeding. Guess how many days later you are notified by Engineering that the project cost has suddenly increased 60% and how many months you have to delay holding the AFB.

22 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? While the draft report is out for public review, your Sponsor has an election. One of the principal candidates for mayor aligns herself with an environmental group previously unknown to you that opposes your recommended project. Guess who wins the election and how many times you are asked to testify before various city committees before and after the election.

23 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? While the draft report is out for review, some nitpicking Lawyer from Real Estate will not accept the repeated assurances from Engineering that there is no way that there could be any induced flood damages downstream from the project. To settle the issue you personally investigate the situation, including making a site visit. Guess who was correct, how much did it add to the cost of the project, and how many pages it added to the report. HELP

24 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? Your report recommends Federal action to solve a water resource related problem. You immediately feel as if you have been attacked by a school of piranha. Don’t take it personally, it is just the nature of the system.

25 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? PED commences and a couple of years pass. The Project Manager notifies you that a large industry at a complex and critical project location has reworked its operation and changed all of its access routes. Do you still have in your possession all of the formulation details for the floodwall located at that site?

26 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? PED has completed and the first construction contract has been awarded. The Project Manager notifies you that improvements to the project recommended by the Value Engineering study have resulted in cost increases exceeding the Section 902 limit!!??!! The PM needs your assistance in getting the project reauthorized!!

27 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? The project has been constructed and many years have passed. GAO shows up at the District announcing their intention to perform an audit of this and several other projects. You are the sole remaining team member still employed by the Federal government. Do you know where the files are located?

28 What Can Possibly Go Wrong in the Civil Works Process? MODULE SUMMARY “NOLO CORBORUNDUM ILLEGITAE.”


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