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U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration DOT Livability Initiative Smart Mobility Framework Workshop June 16, 2009 Presented by:

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1 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration DOT Livability Initiative Smart Mobility Framework Workshop June 16, 2009 Presented by: K. Sue Kiser Director, Planning and Air Quality FHWA – California Division

2 DOT Livability Initiative  Goal: To enhance the economic and social well- being of all Americans by creating and maintaining a safe, reliable, intermodal and accessible transportation network that enhances choices for transportation users, provides easy access to employment opportunities and other destinations, and promotes positive effects on the surrounding community

3 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act)  $1.5 billion of discretionary grant funds for capital investments in surface transportation  ‘‘Grants for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery’’ or ‘‘TIGER”  Primary Selection Criteria include (1) Long- Term Outcomes and (2) Jobs Creation & Economic Stimulus.  The Secondary Selection Criteria include (1) Innovation and (2) Partnership

4 TIGER Grants Criteria  Long-Term Outcomes  (i) State of Good Repair:  (ii) Economic Competitiveness:  (iii) Livability:  (iv) Sustainability:  (v) Safety:

5 TIGER Grants Criteria Livability:  (1) Enhance user mobility through the creation of more convenient transportation options for travelers;  (2) Improve existing transportation choices by enhancing points of modal connectivity or by reducing congestion on existing modal assets;  (3) Improve accessibility and transport services for economically disadvantaged populations, non-drivers, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities, or to make goods, commodities, and services more readily available to these groups;  (4) Results from a planning process which coordinated transportation and land-use planning decisions and encouraged community participation in the process.

6 TIGER Grants Criteria Sustainability:  Improve energy efficiency, reduce dependence on oil and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions  Maintain, protect or enhance the environment

7 Reauthorization  The current authorization for Federal surface transportation programs – SAFETEA-LU – expires at the end of FY 2009  Efforts underway at DOT to develop Administration’s proposal  Performance based  Investments that are environmentally focused  Multi-modal  Livability and Sustainability will be the centerpiece

8 Sustainable Communities Initiative U.S. HUD/DOT  Proposed in HUD’s FY 2010 budget request  Creates a HUD/DOT Task Force to:  Enhance integrated planning efforts  Develop affordability measures  Develop livability measures  Harmonize HUD & DOT programs  Undertake joint research, data collection & outreach

9 Federal Interagency Effort  Federal Interagency Working Group on Transportation, Land Use and Climate Change  Initiated in June 2008  13 agencies represented  Currently, developing performance measures, research and data needs

10 10 What are we in FHWA doing?  Outreach  PEW, CCAP, Other Federal Agencies  Education  Informational Q&As, Webinar, Newsletter, DOT Clearinghouse, New HEP website  Peer Exchanges  MPOs and state DOTs  Technical Assistance  Modeling, Adaptation  Research  Gulf Coast Study, SLR study, VMT, Mitigation strategies  New Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Team

11 Protecting Current and Future Investments  Changes in climate will affect transportation infrastructure and operations  Sea level rise, increased storm intensity, increased temperature extremes  Internal FHWA working group on adaptation

12 Web Sites TIGER Grant Federal Register Notice  FHWA Highways and Climate Change website US DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse:

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