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Epic Paintball Ryhan Hassan David Baker Sarat Tallamraju Scott Martin OSC SI Game Development Team ‘08.

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Presentation on theme: "Epic Paintball Ryhan Hassan David Baker Sarat Tallamraju Scott Martin OSC SI Game Development Team ‘08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epic Paintball Ryhan Hassan David Baker Sarat Tallamraju Scott Martin OSC SI Game Development Team ‘08

2 Why we chose this Project Looked Challenging Can always continue improving, even after we leave Covers a broad range of topics

3 Paintball Modeling Mesh Creation Texturing Animation Programming Physics Controls Networking

4 Software

5 Modeling

6 Mesh Creation MakeHuman –Fast Character Creation –Already Texture Mapped –Quick Exporting to Apps Blender –Very Powerful & Flexible –Realistic with High Detail

7 Mesh Creation Character –Generate Structure using MakeHuman –Reduce Polygon Count with Blender

8 Mesh Creation Environment (Blender) –Buildings Reduced Polygon Count by avoiding complex structures –Skydome Keeps scale low for camera rendering, while giving a realistic panoramic view –Terrain Changing Inclination for a more practical environment

9 Texturing TurboSquid –Get Basic Texture GIMP –Create/Modify Texture Blender –Apply Texture

10 Animating Blender –Forward Kinematics –Keyframing Animation –Interpolation Export Chicken for “.Egg”s –Model File System

11 Programming

12 Physics Collisions –Vector Node Pointing at Ground –Collision Detection Function Jumping –Vt-1/2gt^2, g=9.8m/s/s –Iterated (looped over time)

13 Controls Key Mapping –W,A,S,D for Movement –Mouse-Controlled Camera Movement –Shift for Running, J for Jumping, Space for Shooting Calling Animations

14 Networking CTRL-C AND V Server/Client System –Initialization Function –Shutdown Function –Transmission Control Protocol Packets –Sending/Receiving –User Datagram Protocol initNetw ork(self) startServ er(self) startClie nt(self) 1 2 readTask(s elf,task) csendMsgA utht(self) self.cWriter.sen d() nonblockingR ead(cReader) NetDatagram, PyDatagram, msgtype datagramHan dler() PyDatagram, msgtype updateServe r() quit() updateW orld() updateClie nts() adds readTask (), listenTas k(), and update World to taskMana ger adds readTask () and update World to taskMana ger listenTask( self,task) listens for new connections all the input controls from keyboard, mouse or other input devices MSG_ AUTH PyDat agram MSG_ CPOS MSG_C QUIT throug h readT ask() sets datagram to MSG_CPOS Client Side MSG _POS MSG_ QUIT server sends to clients OR client sends to server client to server Server Side sets datagram to MSG_CPOS Implemente d as a Panda Task

15 …so in the end…

16 Accomplishments 3D World Multiple Players via Networking Implemented Animations Learned how to use Python & Blender (kinda) Solely used Freeware Crashed every Laptop in the workstation

17 a short preview

18 Acknowledgements Pete Carswell Prasad Calyam Elaine Pritchard Daniel Eyster Brianna Austin TurboSquid GIMP Blender Wings3d Python (IDLE) Panda3d MakeHuman

19 Questions? None? Excellent

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