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Programming 101 EPGY Middle School Programming Adam Leeper.

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1 Programming 101 EPGY Middle School Programming Adam Leeper

2 Variables Algebra: a variable is a name for a value – So X = 3 means that in an expression, you can substitute the number 3 for an X. In computer science, a variable is a name used to store a piece of information.

3 Variables In programming, every variable has a type. In ActionScript 3, some common types are: – Number: a “decimal” number, e.g. 2 or 3.1415 – String: a literal string of text e.g. “1st Street” – int: an integer number, e.g. -5 or 27 – uint: a non-negative integer, e.g. 3 or 100 – Boolean: a value of “true” or “false”.

4 Variables Syntax: var variable_name:TYPE; var variable_name:TYPE = 0; var variable_name:TYPE = new TYPE();

5 Variables Naming rules: NO spaces Must start with a letter Must not be a keyword OK: my_variable, myVariable, ship1, hEaLtH NO: 1stShip, money left, function

6 Functions A function “does something.” – It might need information from you. – It might give you back information. “Real-world” functions – Soda machine: takes money & choice; returns soda – Blender: takes food, returns liquid

7 Functions You often don’t care HOW the function works It’s a “black box” or “function machine” 27 3 9 Multiplier Function

8 Functions Arguments: data you pass to the function Return value: data the function passes back function myFunc( input1:TYPE, input2:TYPE):RETURN_TYPE { // do stuff // if RETURN_TYPE is not void, must return a value return some_variable; }

9 Functions Examples function addTwoNumbers(num1:Number,num2:Number):Number { var result:Number = num1 + num2; return result; } function printName(my_name:String):void { trace(“Hello “, my_name); }

10 Functions You CALL a function with its name and any arguments. You must include parentheses. gotoAndStop(); // returns void mySum = addTwoNumbers( num1, num2 ); //returns Number

11 Style Code must be functional Code must be easy to read This is a bad example: function myFunc(num:Number):void{ var sum:Number=27; sum = sum + num; return sum; }

12 Style Basic rules: – Indent code that belongs to a function or conditional statement function myFunc(num:Number):void { var sum:Number=27; sum = sum + num; return sum; }

13 Style Basic rules: – Include comments to make your intent clear // Adds two numbers and returns the result function sum(num1:Number, num2:Number):void { var sum:Number; // Create a variable sum = num1 + num2; // Add numbers return sum; // return the result }

14 Style Basic rules: – Make you function and variable names descriptive – Easy to use: health_remaining, zombiesKilled, current_panel – Hard to use: hr, zk, cp, foo, bar

15 Style Basic rules: – Put a semicolon (;) at the end of each statement function myFunc(num:Number):void { var sum:Number=27; sum = sum + num; return sum; }

16 Debugging Why do we care about style? – It makes our code easier to debug! – You can often spot a mistake just because the formatting is wrong.

17 Debugging Tips READ the error the compiler gives you! Usually it will TELL you what it doesn’t like Examples: – Duplicate names (variables or function definitions) – Expected } or ; before some other character – Unknown name (you forgot to create a variable) If you double-click on the error in the compiler, it will take you to that line in the code so you can look at it.

18 Debugging Tips put a “trace” command in your code to identify where an error is occurring trace(“Step 1”); var mySum:Number = 27; trace(“Step 2”); myFunction(mySum); trace(“Step3”);

19 Conditional Statements Control program flow by making decisions EVERY decision reduces to true or false if ( some_condition ) { // do some stuff if it’s true } else { // do other stuff if it’s false }

20 Conditional Statements Common comparison operators ==equality !=inequality >greater than < less than >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to

21 Conditional Statements Can check if multiple things are true – if( hungry AND lunch_time ) Common logical operators &&“and” ||“or” !“not”

22 Conditional Statements true && true  true true && false  false true || true  true true || false  true !true  false !false  true

23 Conditional Statements Examples if( count > 5 ) //number comparison if( my_name == “Adam”) //string comparison //logical combination of two conditions if( (money > 10) && !(alreadyHave) )

24 Conditional Statements: switch For many conditional checks, you could do if(case1){ //do stuff } else if (case2) { //do stuff } else if (case3){ //do stuff }... else if(case100){ //do stuff } THIS IS NOT VERY EFFICIENT

25 Conditional Statements: switch A better way is to use a switch statement switch ( myNum ) { case (1): // do something if myNum == 1 break; case (2): case (3): // do something if myNum == 2 or 3 break; default: // do something if no case was true }

26 Classes A space ship might be represented by: var id:String = “Red1”; var model:String = “x-wing”; var armor:Number = 200; var fuel:Number = 100;

27 Classes Now what if you want two ships? var id1:String = “Red1”; var model1:String = “x-wing”; var armor1:Number = 200; var fuel1:Number = 100; var id2:String = “Red2”; var model2:String = “x-wing”; var armor2:Number = 200; var fuel2:Number = 100; This could quickly get out of hand...

28 Classes The solution is to use classes A class is a type of variable that acts as a container for many variables and functions. You have already been using classes – MovieClips, buttons and text boxes are examples of classes btn.label = “Start Button” btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick)

29 Classes You instantiate a class the same as a variable You access the members of a class with “.” var classInstanceName:CLASS_TYPE = new CLASS_TYPE(); var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader; loader.source = “path/to/file.jpg”; var ship1:xWing = new xWing(); = “Red Leader” ship1.setFuel(100);

30 Classes We will discuss writing your own classes later. It is helpful to look at documentation to know what variables and functions are available.

31 Writing Classes We create classes in external Actionscript files. We can then make instances of these in our project. A class should be reusable.

32 Writing Classes Common syntax: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Ellipse extends MovieClip { public function Ellipse( arguments:Type ) { // This is the constructor } // Other members or methods (functions) go here. }

33 Writing Classes To make an instance of a class, you call its constructor function, with any arguments. // assume we have a class called Ellipse var my_instance:Ellipse = new Ellipse();

34 Arrays We would like a way of storing lots of similar objects. Better than saying: var student1:String; var student2:String;... var student16:String;

35 Arrays We use an array. It is a list of similar objects. You add objects to the array with push(). You get an object from the array by number. var names_list:Array = new Array(); names_list.push(“Ross”); names_list.push(“Manu”); trace(“The first on the list is “, names_list[0] );

36 Magic Numbers Often we put various numbers in our code. These numbers are HARD to change later. ship1.fuel = 99; ship2.fuel = 99; ship3.fuel = 99; ship4.fuel = 99;

37 Magic Numbers Better to define these CONSTANT VARIABLES. You use the keyword const instead of var. Only need to change one number later. const STARTING_FUEL:Number = 99; ship1.fuel = STARTING_FUEL; ship2.fuel = STARTING_FUEL; ship3.fuel = STARTING_FUEL; ship4.fuel = STARTING_FUEL;

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