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Reliable Server Pooling Implementations Presenter: Aron Silverton IETF 60 San Diego, California 2004-08-05.

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Presentation on theme: "Reliable Server Pooling Implementations Presenter: Aron Silverton IETF 60 San Diego, California 2004-08-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reliable Server Pooling Implementations Presenter: Aron Silverton Email: IETF 60 San Diego, California 2004-08-05

2 RSerPool Implementations2 Agenda Protocol Implementations –University of Essen-Duisburg & University of Applied Sciences-Muenster –Motorola, Inc. – Two implementations Tool Support –Ethereal RSerPool Interoperability Comments and Discussion

3 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations3 Universities of Essen-Duisburg & Applied Sciences-Muenster Goal –Complete, open source, prototype implementation of the RSerPool architecture: the rsplib prototype. Status –ASAP fully implemented –Pool policies implemented (draft-tuexen-rserpool-policies-00.txt) –Nameserver with ENRP nearly complete –Uses SCTP socket API –Example application (echo service) –Compliant with current drafts

4 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations4 Universities of Duisburg-Essen & Applied Sciences, Muenster (cont.) Contact –Thomas Dreibholz, University of Essen at Duisburg, Germany –Michael Tuexen, University of Applied Sciences - Muenster, Germany

5 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations5 Universities of Duisburg-Essen & Applied Sciences, Muenster (cont.) Links –For more information about the implementation, see and –An introduction to the design and implementation of the rsplib prototype is available at

6 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations6 Motorola(1) Goal –Full RSerPool implementation in a user-land library running on Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD Status –ASAP implemented (minus control channel, TCP or UDP support, multicast, weighted round robin, etc.) –Nameserver (without ENRP, server announce, multicast, etc.) –Example application (Registration test utility) –Uses open-source SCTP from

7 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations7 Motorola(1) (cont.) Timeline –Soon: Support for kernel SCTP under Linux and FreeBSD –Soon: Implementation of ENRP with namespace auditing and resynchronization –Future: Core functionality of all drafts

8 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations8 Motorola(1) (cont.) Contact –Qiaobing Xie, Motorola, Inc., Global Telecommunications Solutions Sector Links –Implementation is currently internal to Motorola

9 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations9 Motorola(2) Goal –Complete RSerPool implementation and exhaustive SDL validation of the protocols –Support for Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, VxWorks, others –Non-distributable binaries for interoperability testing –Possible release of MSCs and SDL models

10 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations10 Motorola(2) (cont.) Status –Generating many MSCs for all protocol behaviors –SDL modeling of all protocols and components underway Timeline –Completion by end of 1Q05

11 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations11 Motorola(2) (cont.) Contact –Aron Silverton, Motorola Labs, Networks and Systems Research Links –If and when SDL is released publicly

12 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations12 Ethereal Packet Sniffer Support for ASAP and ENRP dissectors in all current (CVS) and future versions of Ethereal Contact –Michael Tuexen, University of Applied Sciences - Muenster, Germany Links –

13 2004-08-05RSerPool Implementations13 Interoperability First informal interoperability testing held Tuesday, 8/3/2004 –Universities of Essen-Duisburg & Applied Sciences- Muenster and Motorola(1) –Testing covered ASAP and a single Pool Registrar First official interoperability testing tentatively scheduled for 2005 –To coincide with the next SCTP bakeoff (2005-09)


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