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ModelManager and Creo Direct Best Practices: Part 1 Presented by James Osborn (these summary notes by Ken Chow) April 4, 2014.

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1 ModelManager and Creo Direct Best Practices: Part 1 Presented by James Osborn (these summary notes by Ken Chow) April 4, 2014

2 Model Manager Best Practices P1 | April 2014 (2) Summary James presented “ALS_Modeling_Schema.ppt” (previous slides from ~2004) –He also verbally gave updated information and discussed some “gotchas” – ALS_Modeling_Schema.ppt can be found at: X:\a\als\public_html\WorkManager\Training_Materials Also saved as “ALS_Modeling_Schema_v2004.ppt” at – 04_Model_Manager_Best_Practices_Part_1-118.html ENGCAD website was introduced as a place for additional information on Creo Elements Direct and ModelManager – Engineering Process Guide—Design Guidelines subpage (development is in progress) – ontents+Page menu listing

3 Model Manager Best Practices P1 | April 2014 (3) Additional discussion (1) James discussed “gotchas” associated with placing, locating, and moving subassemblies with respect to higher level assemblies –When moving parts in subassemblies (e.g. beamline components in a beamline subassembly) DO NOT move the whole subassembly. Instead, move the subassembly components. James discussed the “SUPPLEMENTAL_DRAWINGS” assembly in the standard ALS Schema (“SUPPLEMENTAL_DRAWINGS” was added after the v2004 slides were created) Jamed encouraged the use of Bill of Materials (BOM) Manager Material designations in Creo Direct Modeling –Only color and density available for material specifications –Individuals have the freedom to set their own default density values –James will create a macro that generates a list of parts and their densities so that users can check and correct density designations in their assemblies

4 Model Manager Best Practices P1 | April 2014 (4) Additional discussion (2) Importing from other CAD software –James discussed bundling models comprised of many faces into a single part for import into Creo –Change the topmost name of imported assemblies to be consistent with Modeling Schema prior to importing. It is much easier than changing these names after importing.

5 Model Manager Best Practices P1 | April 2014 (5) Policy clarifications (1) 1.Using previously designed and released part for a different assembly/project –If no changes are required: Drawing can be reused (even though title block identifies part with original assembly/project) –If there are changes: Recreate design (new unique ID) for new assembly/project with an “A” revision and title block info reflecting the new assembly/project Option (only use after discussion with original part designer and approval from project lead) –If changes have no detrimental effect on fit/form/function and offers improvements then revise and release for new assembly/project (even though title block identifies part with original assembly/project) 2.When to revise vs. create new part –Revisions should only be used if there is no detrimental effect on fit, form, or function. If there is a potential effect, create a new part instead of revising an existing part. –We need to avoid issues that arise out of accidentally using a later revision with modifications that make the part no longer fit (or function) in the original assembly

6 Model Manager Best Practices P1 | April 2014 (6) Policy clarifications (2) 3.No self-approvals –Engineering Division policy on quality assurance will require approval/release by someone other than the originator for drawings and models 4.Release part model at the same time its associated drawing is released –This will avoid issues of models that do not match any of its drawings

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