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SCTG: Setting Up Implementation Success Jessica Swain-Bradway, Kathleen Lane, Jeff Sprague.

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Presentation on theme: "SCTG: Setting Up Implementation Success Jessica Swain-Bradway, Kathleen Lane, Jeff Sprague."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCTG: Setting Up Implementation Success Jessica Swain-Bradway, Kathleen Lane, Jeff Sprague

2 Agenda Introductions Performance Indicators Building Fluency Professional Learning Opportunities Q&A

3 Learning Goals for the Webinar Performance Indicators Building Fluency Professional Learning Opportunities

4 System Reminders Our conference call line is integrated with Adobe Connect so phone and web participants can communicate with one another. Phone participants please mute your computer speakers. To mute your conference call land line, key *1. If you are on a cell, please use your mute feature. We are recording this webinar for future reference.


6 Let’s Practice Chat Type your name & email in the “Sign in Here” pod – Include your name, district & email address At any time during this webinar, please type your question and comments in the chat pod. One of us will be monitoring chat at all times.

7 Introductions Jessica Swain-Bradway, Midwest PBIS Network Kathleen Lane, University of Kansas Jeffrey Sprague, University of Oregon If this is your first SCTG webinar please let us know in the chat pod!

8 Context Performance indicators – Why are they important? Getting off to a good start this year – What are factors to consider? – How are you doing with those factors?

9 Performance Indicators: LEA Number and percentage of schools that report an annual decrease in office disciplinary referrals. Number and percentage of schools that report an annual improvement in the attendance rate. Number and percentage of schools that report an annual decrease in suspensions and expulsions, including those related to possession or use of drugs or alcohol. Number and percentage of schools annually that are implementing the multi-tiered behavioral framework with fidelity.

10 Performance Indicators: SEA The number of training and technical assistance events provided by the SEA School Climate Transformation Grant Program to assist LEAs in implementing a multi-tiered behavioral framework. The number and percentage of LEAs provided training or technical assistance by the SEA School Climate Transformation Grant Program that report an improvement in knowledge and understanding of the implementation of a multi-tiered behavioral framework. The number and percentage of schools in LEAs provided training or technical assistance by the SEA School Climate Transformation Grant Program that implement a multi-tiered behavioral framework.

11 Context: MTSS

12 Multi-Tiered Framework Preventative Matching intervention type and intensity to level of need Evidence-Based Fidelity and Progress monitoring Team driven process Teaching behavior v Only attempting to punish behaviors through exclusion

13 Building Fluency All implementers – District to school – Office to classroom Utilize what we know about best practices in teaching and learning Build fluency for our adult learners

14 Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Present clear model Present a range of examples and non- examples Create multiple opportunities to practice Create opportunities for immediate corrective feedback Acknowledge correct performance

15 Best Practices in Teaching and Learning The opportunities to practice should match: Stage of learning (acquisition, accuracy, fluency, generalization, maintenance) Consider how much “unlearning” has to be done The number needed to show MASTERY

16 Supporting Fluency Building Consider what practices currently in place: SUPPORT new learning and practice IMPEDE new learning and practice

17 Checking In… In the chat pod, can you “theorize” what types of practices could potentially impede MTSS-B implementation?

18 Supporting Fluency Building Consider what SYSTEMS (policies, protocols, “typical business) currently in place: SUPPORT new learning and practice IMPEDE new learning and practice

19 Checking In… In the chat pod, can you “theorize” what types of systems could potentially impede MTSS-B implementation?

20 Teach the Hard Part You can already identify the practices and systems that are impeding fluency in MTSS What is your plan for teaching, or re-teaching, school personnel how to carry out those tasks? Does your plan MATCH the learning opportunities to the level of need of your learners? – (We are ALL learners)

21 Train and Hope

22 Creating Opportunities to Learn Learning = behavior changes What opportunities do you already have for your: – Teachers? – Support Staff? – Parents? – Administrators? – Teams?

23 Checking In In the chat pod, please list the learning opportunities / staff development you already have in place. – EX: Reminders at staff meetings – EX: In-service Days

24 Learning Opportunities Allow for multiple opportunities For modeling the skill? For people to practice? For people to get feedback on the skills? For people to get acknowledged for the skills? For you to modify and supplement opportunities based on their performance? For ongoing support AFTER the initial learning opportunity?

25 Professional Learning Opportunities Ensure a Range of Options ….

26 Data Informed Offerings … How do I focus my professional learning options? Look to the literature … Look to district- and site-level needs … Lane, K. L., Carter, E., Jenkins, A., Magill, L., & Germer, K. (2015). Supporting comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered models of prevention in schools: Administrators perspectives. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, X, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1098300715578916

27 Primary Prevention: Behavioral Component We have… Lane, K. L., Carter, E., Jenkins, A., Magill, L., & Germer, K. (2015). Supporting comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered models of prevention in schools: Administrators perspectives. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, X, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1098300715578916

28 Academic Screening Behavior Screening Lane, K. L., Carter, E., Jenkins, A., Magill, L., & Germer, K. (2015).

29 Tier 2 and 3: Supplemental Supports We have… Lane, K. L., Carter, E., Jenkins, A., Magill, L., & Germer, K. (2015). Supporting comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered models of prevention in schools: Administrators perspectives. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, X, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1098300715578916

30 Building Your Professional Learning Offerings Available at

31 2015-2016 Professional Learning Offerings

32 CI3T: Tertiary Prevention CI3T: Secondary Prevention CI3T: Primary Prevention Session 1: Overview of CI3T Prevention Models Setting a Purpose Establish team meetings and roles Session 2: Mission and Purpose Establish Roles and Responsibilities Procedures for Teaching Procedures for Reinforcing Reactive Plan Session 3: Procedures for Monitoring Session 4: Revise Primary Plan using Stakeholder feedback Prepare presentation Session 5: Overview of Teacher focused Strategies Overview of Student Focused Strategies Using data to determine Draft the Secondary Intervention Grid based on existing supports Session 6: Final revisions of CI3T Plan based on stakeholder feedback Draft Tertiary Prevention Intervention Grids Design Implementation Manual and Plan for roll out to faculty, students, and parents CI3T Training Series Additional Professional Development on Specific Topics Core Content Curriculum Teacher Driven Supports: Instructional Techniques to Improve Students’ Motivation; General Classroom Management Practices; Low Intensity Behavior Supports Functional Assessment- based Interventions Reading, Math, Writing Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring Tools Student Driven Interventions, Strategies, & Practices Check In - Check Out Additional Tier 3 Supports CI3T Team Training Sequence Implementation Stages of Tier 2 and 3 within CI3T

33 Districtwide Training Model Phase and Task Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7 FSpSuFSpSuFSpSuFSpSF SuFSpSuFSpSu Phase 1: Prepare Cohorts 1 and 2 Project Staff and District Coaches: Establish Training Module, Develop Non-negotiable Practices for Implementation Project staff: Train Cohorts 1- 2 (or ≈ 11 schools) Project staff and District Coaches: Implement: Cohorts 1 - 2 (or ≈ 11) District Coaches: Sustain Practices with Technical Assistance from Project Phase 2: Prepare Cohorts 3 and 4 Project Staff: Train Cohorts 3-4 (or ≈ 11 schools) Project Staff and District Coaches: Implement: Cohorts 3 - 4 (or ≈ 11) District Coaches: Sustain practices with Technical Assistance from Project Phase 3: Prepare Cohorts 5 and 6 Project Staff: Train Cohorts 5 - 6 (or ≈ 11 schools) Project Staff and District Coaches: Implement: Clusters 5-6 (or ≈ 11) District Coaches: Sustain practices with Technical Assistance from Project Phase 4: Prepare Cohorts 7 and 8 Project Staff: Train Cohorts 7-8 (or ≈ 11 schools) Project Staff and District Coaches: Implement: Cohorts 7 - 8 (or ≈ 11) District Coaches: Sustain practices with Technical Assistance from Project 2014-2015 STL CI3T Training Project 33 Figure 1. Districtwide training model with technical assistance… (p.130) Lane, K. L., Oakes, W. P., Jenkins, A., Menzies, H. M., & Kalberg, J. R. (2014). A team-based process for designing Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (CI3T) Models of Prevention: How does my school-site leadership team design a CI3T model? Preventing School Failure, 58, 129-142. DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.2014.893976

34 Honing In: Using Your Screening Data to Inform Reading Instruction 9/29/15 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM 9/29/15 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM Honing In: Strategies to Facilitate Instruction 11/03/15 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM 11/03/15 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM Honing In: TBA 01/12/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM 01/12/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM Honing In: TBA 03/29/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM 03/29/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM Ci3T: Preparing for 2016 - 2017 04/26/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM 04/26/16 8:15-11:15AM; 12:30-3:30PM Ci3T Elementary Team Professional Learning Offerings For Team Members What did I learn? How will I take this information back to my faculty, staff, and parents ?

35 Ci3T Middle/ High School Team Professional Learning Offerings Getting Started: A Look at Tier 1 9/30/15 8:00-11:00AM 9/30/15 8:00-11:00AM Getting Started: A Look at Tier 2 11/04/15 8:00-11:00AM 11/04/15 8:00-11:00AM Getting Started: TBA 01/13/16 8:00-11:00AM 01/13/16 8:00-11:00AM Getting Started: TBA 03/30/16 8:00-11:00AM 03/30/16 8:00-11:00AM Ci3T: Preparing for 2016 - 2017 04/27/16 8:00-11:00AM 04/27/16 8:00-11:00AM For Team Members What did I learn? How will I take this information back to my faculty, staff, and parents ?

36 Behavior Screening Tools Using School- wide Data to Identify Students for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Supports Using Instructional Techniques to Improve Students' Motivation Using Simple Strategies to Improve Classroom Behavior Using Self- Monitoring Strategies to Improve Academic Performance Professional Development: A Collaborative Effort to Empower Public School Systems Project Empower September 12 October 7 November 21 January 30 March 5 Five 2-hour sessions held after school: 5-7pm

37 Professional Development to Support You in Lawrence! EMPOWER Moving Forward: Getting Started with Ci3T 09/10/15 4:30-6:30PM 09/10/15 4:30-6:30PM Check MyLearningPlan for registration links coming soon! EMPOWER Moving Forward: Beyond Tier 1 – Building Your Tier 2 Library 10/15/15 4:30-6:30PM 10/15/15 4:30-6:30PM EMPOWER Moving Forward: A Look at Reading Street in Lawrence 11/19/15 4:30-6:30PM 11/19/15 4:30-6:30PM EMPOWER Moving Forward: Expanding your Tier 2 Library with Instruction Choice, Instructional Feedback, and Behavior Contracts 12/17/15 4:30-6:30PM 12/17/15 4:30-6:30PM For Faculty, Staff, and Community Members

38 Professional Development to Support You in Lawrence ! EMPOWER Moving Forward: Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors 01/14/16 4:30-6:30PM 01/14/16 4:30-6:30PM EMPOWER Moving Forward: Focusing on Social Components 03/31/16 4:30-6:30PM 03/31/16 4:30-6:30PM EMPOWER Moving Forward: Expanding your Tier 2 Library with Self-Monitoring and Check-In / Check Out 02/16/16 4:30-6:30PM 02/16/16 4:30-6:30PM EMPOWER Moving Forward: Planning for Next Year 04/28/16 4:30-6:30PM 04/28/16 4:30-6:30PM Check MyLearningPlan for registration links coming soon! For Faculty, Staff, and Community Members

39 Monthly Faculty Presentations 8 AM: Behavior Specific Praise For Faculty & Staff During the Work Day

40 Very useful to find research on specific interventions PowerPoint presentations are available for some interventions Training modules are available on PBIS aspects and interventions Some tools and measures are available to be viewed Quick FAQs on secondary and tertiary interventions On Demand Resources

41 Information on Ci3T professional development: PowerPoints, Literature, user feedback, professional learning resources and measures Systematic Screening: Instructional videos, PowerPoint presentations and resources Free access to tools and measures available for viewing and downloading On Demand Resources

42 2015-2016 Professional Learning Offerings

43 Learning Opportunities Allow for multiple opportunities For modeling the skill? For people to practice? For people to get feedback on the skills? For people to get acknowledged for the skills? For you to modify and supplement opportunities based on their performance? For ongoing support AFTER the initial learning opportunity?

44 Checking In In the Chat Pod please let us know: 1.What PL examples can you take back to your teams?

45 Reinforcement Specific verbal praise is powerful. How do you acknowledge the adults? – Trained and supported to implement specific MTSS components – Reinforced, how? When? How often? By whom?

46 Questions? What else would you like to ask? Please type in the chat pod. THANK YOU!

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