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Crime Prevention, Personal Safety & Responsibilities Edge Hill University A Partnership Approach to Developing Community Confidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Crime Prevention, Personal Safety & Responsibilities Edge Hill University A Partnership Approach to Developing Community Confidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime Prevention, Personal Safety & Responsibilities Edge Hill University A Partnership Approach to Developing Community Confidence

2 S.S.H.H Silent Students Happy Homes The SSHH campaign sees groups of students working alongside Ormskirk Police. The team patrol St Helens Rd, Knowsley Rd, Ruff lane each Tues/Weds night between 22:30 – 03:00 Aim – to reduce Anti Social Behaviour and Noise Complaints from the Campus/Town – Town/Campus 8 Volunteers Work tirelessly helping their community showing dedication and commitment Remember Think about your Neighbours.

3 SSHH Volunteers

4 HATE CRIME Hate crimes target a person because of hostility or prejudice towards that person’s: disability race or ethnicity religion or belief sexual orientation transgender identity

5 ALCOHOL MISUSE Too much alcohol makes you feel invincible when you are most vulnerable. 44% of all violent crime is alcohol related. More likely to display anti social behaviour.

6 Personal Responsibilities Don’t let the minority spoil it for the majority & create a bad impression amongst the local community. Don’t involve yourself in criminal activity eg damaging other peoples property & disorderly behaviour.

7 Personal Responsibilities Do not use DRUGS –Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy etc. Sell Drugs- 14 years max imprisonment. Do not involve yourself in antisocial behaviour which includes:- shouting, swearing, overturning bins etc. The Police & University exchange data on a regular basis. If you do commit an offence the University will be informed. You may lose your place on your course.

8 Crime Prevention Ensure all windows and doors to your accommodation are locked Don’t invite anyone back to your room you don’t know. Don’t make it easy for a burglar to get into your accommodation.

9 Crime Prevention Keep your valuables safe & secure eg laptops Download the APP- find my phone/laptop Mark property using a uv pen with your name & student i.d.

10 Personal Safety Carry a personal attack alarm. Don’t take shortcuts. Plan your route home. Don’t advertise your mobile telephone to thieves. GET THE APP. It is illegal to carry MACE spray or a knife for protection in this country.

11 What are the UK Police Like Lancashire Police work closely with students from the university. You do not have to pay for the service. UK Police Officers DO NOT take bribes. The majority of officers do not carry guns.

12 PC Paul and NHPT PC Paul Post Cards have all Contact Details Ormskirk Police 01695 566444 Non Emergency 101 Emergency 999

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