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Presentation on theme: "FRACTION OF NUMBERS GRADE 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc1 FRACTION OF NUMBERS GRADE 3

2 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc2 Hello, How are you doing? Today, we are going to start a new lesson on Fraction of Numbers.

3 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc3 Fraction Fraction – A fraction is a number that names part of the whole or group.

4 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc4 Model: To find 1/3 of 9 Step 1: use 9 counters. Step 2: Make 3 equal groups. Step 3: Count the number of counters in one group.

5 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc5 Model 1/3 of 9 = 3 Step 1 Step 2Step 3 3 counters in each group

6 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc6 How would you use counters to show 1/5 of 25? 5 equal groups of 5 counters

7 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc7 Divide to find 1/4 of 16 Solution – 1/4 of 16 1/4 x 16 16 ÷ 4 = 4 Thus, 1/4 of 16 = 4

8 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc8 How many counters you use to find 1/9 of 18? Answer- 18

9 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc9 To find 2/3 of 21 Step 1: 2/3 x 21 Step 2: Divide 21 by 3 to find how many are in each group. 21 ÷ 3 =7 There are 7 in each group Step 3: Multiply the numerator by 7 to find out how many in 2 groups. 7 x 2 = 14 There are 14 in 2 groups.

10 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc10 Let us practice some more questions!

11 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc11 Find 5/6 of 24 Answer - 20

12 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc12 Use counters to solve 1/2 of 6 1/2 of 6 = 3

13 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc13 There are 15 coins in a box. If 2/3 of the coins are nickels, how many nickels are there? Answer - 10

14 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc14 Rock reads book for 1/3 of an hour. For how many minutes does rock read a book? Answer – 20 minutes

15 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc15 ASSESSMENT

16 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc16 1.Tony bake 35 cookies. He puts chocolate chips on 2/7 of them. How many cookies have chocolate chips? Answer - 10

17 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc17 2.Which is greater? a) 3/5 of 25 b) 2/7 of 21 c) 2/3 of 18 d) All are same

18 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc18 3.Find fraction of a number. 1/8 of 32 Answer - 4

19 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc19 4.Mr. Bob buys 1/3 of bags of munchies mix. Of 27 items how many munchies mix bags does he buy? Answer - 9

20 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc20 5.Mr. Baker brought 15 items for the bake sale. Of those items 3/5 were different type of cookies. Are there 8 items of cookies? Answer - no

21 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc21 6.In the Greg’s family, 1/3 of 24 children are boys. How many children are boys? Answer - 8

22 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc22 7.Rachel has 12 muffins. He gave 1/6 of them to his sister. How many muffins are left with him? Answer - 10

23 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc23 8.Wales made 14 sandwiches. He put cheese topping on 1/2 of them. How many sandwiches have cheese topping? Answer - 7

24 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc24 9.Find 5/8 of 24. Answer - 15

25 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc25 10.There are 36 children in the class. If 5/6 of them have completed their homework, how many children have completed their homework? Answer - 30

26 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc26 Recap  Fraction  Model to find parts of a group  Dividing to find parts of group  Solved Examples  Assessment

27 copyright@Ed2netLearning,Inc27 Well Done! Now Practice Worksheets on the Lesson.


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