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1 Developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) January 2014 Setting up a Sustainable National GHG Inventory Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) January 2014 Setting up a Sustainable National GHG Inventory Management System."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) January 2014 Setting up a Sustainable National GHG Inventory Management System

2 2 National Inventory Systems What is a National Inventory System? Brief Discussion of Each Template Introduction to the National Systems Templates

3 3 A national inventory system incorporates all the elements necessary to estimate GHG emissions and sinks. National Inventory Systems A central coordination agency Arrangements between agency and institutions Identification of technical experts Procedures for inventory development

4 4 Background on EPA Capacity Building and Projects Challenges for Establishing National Inventory Systems and Inventory Compilation in NA-I Countries Small teams with limited resources and multiple roles Incomplete or non- existent activity data Lack of country- specific emission factors Insufficient records from previous inventories Difficulty retaining expertise Need for institutional arrangements National Inventory Systems

5 5 What if there was a tool? National Inventory Systems Templates to fill out A helpful starting point A gift to you and future inventory teams!

6 2006 IPCC Guidance UNFCCC Non-Annex 1 Guidelines on National Communications UNDP Tools: Template Workbook and ALU We have taken key elements of the IPCC and UNFCCC guidance and condensed them …into an easy-to-use National Template Workbook 6

7 Chapter 4: Archiving System 777 Compare to a filing system: Gathers key information in one place Well-organized Saves time finding data We need a system! The Template Workbook is for Organization Introduction to the National Inventory Templates

8 8 Institutional Arrangements Methods and Data Documentation Description of QA/QC Procedures Description of Archiving System Key Category Analysis National Inventory Improvement Plan Introduction to the National Inventory Templates The 6 Templates

9 9 Introduction to the National Inventory Templates Completed Workbooks for Developing a Sustainable National GHG Inventory System Institutional Arrangements Methods and Data Documentation QA/QC Procedures Archiving System Key Category Analysis National Inventory Improvement Plan

10 Introduction to the National Inventory Templates 10 [Country’s] National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System Report

11 11 Institutional Arrangements Chapter 1

12 12 Chapter 1: Institutional Arrangements Know who is responsible for each sector/source Know key contacts for data Identify where coordination gaps exist Assess how existing arrangements can be improved Communicate arrangements to UN Get new team members “up-to-speed” Make coordinating future inventories easier! Ensure long-term continuity How this Template Will Help! All parties, roles and arrangements by sector Contacts and sources of activity data Evaluate arrangements and proposed improvements Plan the inventory schedule In this template: Helps current and future inventory teams :

13 13 Coordination of Inventory Data National Inventory Systems

14 Chapter 1: Institutional Arrangements 14 Identify the inventory agency and management team Describe the roles and arrangements for each sector Identify needed improvements Lay out the inventory schedule

15 Chapter 1: Institutional Arrangements 15 National Inventory Schedule

16 16 Chapter 1: Institutional Arrangements Schedules and Deadlines Roles and Responsibilities Priorities and Changes Procedures and Guidance

17 17 Methods and Data Documentation Chapter 2

18 18 Chapter 2: Methods and Data Documentation Background Document Activity data and emission factors How data were obtained Methods used to estimate emissions Provides key information to communicate to UNFCCC. Understand how estimates were developed Make it easier to do again! In this template: Helps current and future inventory teams: How this Template Will Help!

19 Source Description 19 Source Description Choice of Method Activity Data Emission Factor Additional Comments Chapter 2: Methods and Data Documentation Background Document

20 20 Chapter 2: Methods and Data Documentation Background Document Can be imported directly into the National Communication Report

21 21 The Methods and Data Documentation Template can facilitate peer review Chapter 2: Methods and Data Documentation Background Document

22 QA/QC Procedures 22 Chapter 3

23 Chapter 3: QA/QC Procedures 23 Guidance to create customized QA/QC procedures Identify existing QA/QC procedures Define responsibilities Establish QC procedures Establish QA procedures Develop schedule for QA/QC plan In this template: How this Template Will Help! Identify QA/QC roles and responsibilities Find calculation errors Be confident in their inventory. Enhance National Communication report Establish a QA/QC program to build upon Helps the inventory team:

24 Examples of QA/QC Procedures IV.3.3 Minimum QC Procedures The Inventory Coordinator should: ● Ensure total GHG emissions equal the sum of the individual sectors, sources, and gases. ● Compare data in tables to calculation spreadsheets and to text to ensure that all report the same estimates. ● Ensure that the emissions data is reported in a manner consistent with the calculation tables in the Non-Annex 1 National Communications Reporting Guidelines. ● Ensure that estimation methods comport with IPCC guidelines. Each source lead should: ● Check to make sure all activity data and emission factors are clearly documented. 24 Chapter 3: QA/QC Procedures

25 Dilbert 25 Chapter 3: QA/QC Procedures

26 26 Archiving System Chapter 4

27 Chapter 4: Archiving System 27 Guidance to develop an archiving system Document past and current archiving systems How to improve the existing system In this template: How this Template Will Help! Help the inventory team: Access previous records Easily reproduce estimates Ensure credibility Respond to inquiries More easily review estimates Safeguard against loss

28 28 Chapter 4: Archiving System Compile electronic versions of spreadsheets used to estimate emissions by sector (create draft estimates, under review, and final versions folders to track progress and changes).

29 29 Key Category Analysis Chapter 5

30 How this Tool and Template Will Help! Chapter 5: Key Category Analysis Identify all key categories of GHG emissions Rank emissions sources Describe how you completed the key category analysis (KCA) In this tool and template: Help the inventory team: Conduct a KCA Perform an optional uncertainty analysis Identify the most important GHG categories Communicate key categories to the UN Identify areas for improving estimates 30

31 31 Key Category Analysis Tool All you need to do is enter CO 2 equivalents for each source category estimated. Chapter 5: Key Category Analysis

32 Key Category Analysis Tool Chapter 5: Key Category Analysis 32 Then just click the Sort Key Categories button!

33 33 National Inventory Improvement Plan Chapter 6

34 34 Synthesize findings from other templates Identify and prioritize future areas of improvement Identify actions to address improvements Start thinking about implementation of improvement actions In this template: How this Template Will Help! Prepare a National Inventory Improvement Plan Meet international benchmarks Make sure inventory meets needs Identify concrete improvements Propose projects for funding to improve emission estimation Help the inventory team: Chapter 6: National Inventory Improvement Plan

35 The NIIP is Created from Other Templates Chapter 6: National Inventory Improvement Plan 35 These are living documents, and should be updated through time.

36 36 Chapter 6: National Inventory Improvement Plan Objectives Key Source Categories Source Category Improvements Institutional Arrangements Prioritize Improvements Communication, Outreach, Training Potential Projects

37 Inventory Improvement Areas 37 Chapter 6: National Inventory Improvement Plan Identifying availability of better quality data Facilitating coordination among institutions to support data collection efforts Adopting a higher Tier methodology Training of current staff members Hiring additional staff

38 Concluding Remarks Completed templates can be compiled into a National Inventory System Report 38 [Country’s] National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System Report

39 Concluding Remarks 39 However, The templates are probably only 25% of the work. Establishing arrangements, procedures, identifying information, and implementing steps Documenting Process by Completing Templates

40 The inventory management template approach provides a foundation for establishing a national GHG inventory system Great organization, management tool, but effort required Does not solve all problems, but helps continuity Create transparency, consistency, and comparability Helps create “institutional memory” Reduces future costs/effort Apply at national or sub-national level Concluding Remarks 40 Final Thoughts

41 U.S. EPA Inventory Preparation Tools 41 Thanks for your attention! Developed by EPA with support from ICF international under EPA contract# EP-BPA-12-H-002, Order #EP- B13H-00137

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