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Mongolia Scout Adventure Fundraising. Assault Course Chocolate Bingo Car Boot Sale (Louise) Raised: £186 Bingo still to happen. This means less to pay.

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Presentation on theme: "Mongolia Scout Adventure Fundraising. Assault Course Chocolate Bingo Car Boot Sale (Louise) Raised: £186 Bingo still to happen. This means less to pay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mongolia Scout Adventure Fundraising

2 Assault Course Chocolate Bingo Car Boot Sale (Louise) Raised: £186 Bingo still to happen. This means less to pay on next instalment. So Far...................

3 SUGGESTION......... OUT OF THE BOX Accessorise and revive, a re focus on the 'Bring and Buy' sale. Unwanted good fashionable clothes, scarfs, jewellery, belts, ties etc are collected. The event is hosted with a fashion show and stalls organised in colour and gender. Accessorise and Revive Fashion Show

4 In small groups x4, using the resources on the table, produce a map of fundraising ideas for the situations given. Be prepared to present back to the group. You have just 10 minutes before the feedback session. Task 1


6 The Trust assists persons under the age of 21 who reside within a radius of 50 miles around Preston Town Hall. The Charity can assist throughout Lancashire although Preston District has special priority, and it has wide powers at the discretion of the Trustees to relieve need, hardship and distress amongst the under 25's, including making grants for books, equipment or appropriate training and education where depravation exists. The Charity can also provide facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare, but it is not authorised to apply to income in relief of rates, taxes or other public funds. Grant opportunities

7 Your application will need to demonstrate the community’s participation. This includes their involvement in either the development and or delivery of the project. We define a ‘community’ as a group of people from a particular area, or a group exhibiting similar characteristics i.e. attitudes, interests, or conditions. 2. Better Together: working with other groups and making new connections to deliver activities Your application must show that you are developing or making new connections, with other groups or organisations to deliver your proposal. For example, you may have approached the council to help reduce costs or sought support from a larger charity for advice and assistance in meeting legal requirements such as CRB checks, auditing or policies. 3. Supporting Volunteers: providing opportunities for local people to volunteer, access training and development Your application will need to demonstrate that your proposal will help people to access opportunities for volunteering, and or help new or existing volunteers to improve their skills and life opportunities through appropriate training and support. You can apply for up to £500

8 MEDIA TEAM REQUIRED Full training to be arranged with Jambo's team During the expedition we need to continue to update Facebook for all our friends and family. We also have a responsibility to present a report of the expedition to MEG ( Major Events Group). This may be a full presentation one evening, so gathering the info as we go along will ensure this is virtually completed before we get home.

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