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Year 2 revised curriculum Sept 2015. Terms Autumn 1 st Half Term= 8 weeks 7 weeks topic 1 week Harvest/ showing assembly to parents Autumn 2 nd Half Term=

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1 Year 2 revised curriculum Sept 2015

2 Terms Autumn 1 st Half Term= 8 weeks 7 weeks topic 1 week Harvest/ showing assembly to parents Autumn 2 nd Half Term= 7 weeks 5 weeks topic and 2 weeks Christmas focus Parent workshop, Nativity, Party Spring 1 st half term= 5 weeks Parents evening Spring 2 nd Half term= 6 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 1 st Half term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 2 nd Half Term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly

3 Year 2 Year Overview Autumn 1 st Half term- 'It's a material World' 'Inventions that changed the World' ‘They made a difference’ - Uses of Everyday materials (Science, D&T, Art and History Drivers) Autumn 2 nd Half term- 'Gateway to the World' ‘They made a difference’ Oceans and Continents (Geography, History, Art, Music Drivers) Spring 1 st Half term- 'I'm alive' Animals including humans (Science, and D&T, Art, PSHCE drivers) Spring 2 nd Half term- 'Roots, Shoots and Fruits' Plants (Science, D&T, Art drivers) Summer 1 st Half term- 'Planet Earth, Our Home' Living things and their habitats (Science, History, Geography, D&T, Art Driver)

4 Year 2 Year English Overview

5 Year 2 Year Computing Overview

6 Year 2 PSHCE overview

7 First Hand Experiences

8 Autumn Over View (7 & 5) It’s a Material World. Inventions that changed the world. They made a difference. SMSC- 2 weeks Harvest – 1 week Science Geography D&T Art Music History Gateway to the World. They made a difference. Art – Sculpture: link to Where the Wild Things Are and Nick Park History – significant individuals - Inventors and inventions D&T – Puppets Choosing suitable materials Science – identify and compare uses, Changing shape of materials. History – significant individuals - Famous Explorers Geography – continents and oceans: creating simple maps and using symbols Art – 2d seascapes linked to Famous artists Art- cultural art from around the world Music – Taking Off (High and Low): Investigation of instruments from around the world.

9 History and DT skills- Autumn 1 st half term

10 History and DT skills Autumn 2 nd Half Term

11 Autumn 1 st Half Mid Term Plan

12 Autumn 2nd Half Mid Term Plan

13 Harvest and Christmas Focus

14 Spring Term Over View (5 and 6) I’m Alive Roots, Shoots and Fruits Science- Animals including Humans: offspring, basic needs, importance of exercise, healthy food and hygiene. Science- Plants: observing and describing seeds and bulbs growth, basic needs D&T – Building structures and mechanisms: Making bird feeders Science D&T Art PSHCE D&T – Healthy Food: Making a fruit salad/vegetable soup Art - Mother Earth – observational drawings, Guiseppe Arcimboldo PSHCE- Lucinda and Godfrey: links to hygiene. Art- footprints – identifying animals

15 Science, DT and Music skills Spring Term

16 Spring 1 st Half Mid Term Plan

17 Spring 2nd Half Mid Term Plan

18 Summer Term Over View 7 and 7 Weeks Planet Earth, Our Home They made a difference Science History Geography Art D&T Science – Living, Dead and Never Lived, Habitats and basic needs and adaptations, Food Chains Micro-habitats Geography – Similarities and differences in habitats: Woodland Grassland Pond land Seaside Wetlands History – Charles Darwin D&T – making minibeast homes

19 Science, Geography and textiles Summer Term

20 Summer 1 st Half Mid Term Plan

21 Summer 2nd Half Mid Term Plan

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