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Sedimentary Rock? Geologist study this kind of rock to learn Earth’s history They have fossils.

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rock? Geologist study this kind of rock to learn Earth’s history They have fossils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rock? Geologist study this kind of rock to learn Earth’s history They have fossils

2 An adaptation A characteristic or trait that allows an animal to survive in its environment. 1. A reflex 2. A response 3. An adaptation

3 What are rocks? They are combinations of minerals

4 Herbivores These animals get their energy from plants only

5 Weather An air mass moving into the region where you live will change the ___. season, weather, time

6 Reproductive System This system is responsible for the making of offspring

7 Brain This organ controls everything you do...

8 precipitation Moisture that returns to the earth’s surface from the atmosphere.

9 erosion The transport, moving, of sediments from one place to another by wind, water, glaciers, and gravity.

10 Excretory System This body system removes liquid and gaseous wastes Lungs remove carbon dioxide Skin removes water and salts Liver cleans waste particles from blood

11 Muscular & Nervous System Which 2 body systems work with the skeletal system to move the body?

12 Photosynthesis The process where a plant makes its food using: -energy from the sun -Water -Carbon Dioxide -Chlorophyll

13 Carnivores Animals that only eat other animals (meat)

14 Producers Green plants are organisms that make their own food, they are called consumers, producers, or decomposers

15 Alveoli Thousands of tiny air sacs in your lungs, which exchange Oxygen for Carbon Dioxide cilia alveoli mucus

16 Decomposers Organisms, such as insects, fungi, and bacteria, that eat dead and decaying material. consumers, producers, or decomposers

17 Warm-blooded The animal’s body temperature does not change when the surrounding temperature changes.

18 Water, carbon dioxide, energy from the sun, chlorophyll Name the four “ingredients” for the process of photosynthesis

19 leaves What part of the plant makes food? stem leaves roots

20 Heredity In all organisms, genetic traits such as freckles, eye color, or a dimple are passed on from generation to generation. This is called…

21 Calories Energy in foods is measured in ____.

22 Digestive System The food tube Stores Bile Food is churned here Stores nutrients ESOPHAGUS GALL BLADDER STOMACH LIVER

23 Adapt If an animal can not migrate or hibernate to avoid harsh weather conditions, then it must: die adapt sleep

24 Predators, Carnivores What kind of mammals have long, sharp pointed teeth?

25 Weathering The wearing away or breaking down of sediments by wind, moving water, and glaciers.

26 The sun What is the closest star to planet Earth?

27 lithosphere This is the hard, solid part of the earth’s crust atmosphere troposphere lithosphere

28 Gravity The force that keeps planets in orbit around the Sun and the Moon in orbit around the Earth.

29 Rotation The Sun appears to move across the sky each day. Its rising and setting each day can be explained by the Earth’s _____.

30 Body System A group of organs that work together is called a _______

31 veins We take blood to the heart

32 White Blood Cells We destroy bacteria which invade the body.

33 Respiratory System Nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, alveoli are all part of the _______ system.

34 alveoli They take in the carbon dioxide from blood vessels in your lungs, then release oxygen. (Tiny Air Sacs) This is where CO2 is exchanged for Oxygen.

35 front This is where two different air masses meet.

36 Iris The colored part of your eye

37 Earth’s Tilt & Revolution What causes the seasonal changes on Earth?

38 Ocean Tides The Moon has the greatest effect on Earth’s ___.

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