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NINE WAYS TO CATCH KIDS UP Based on the work of Marilyn Burns.

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1 NINE WAYS TO CATCH KIDS UP Based on the work of Marilyn Burns


3 PACE LESSONS CAREFULLY Stop when confusion reigns. Move on when students are ready. Provide extra time for practice. Provide appropriate type, level and amount of practice.

4 BUILD IN A ROUTINE OF SUPPORT Teacher models and thinks aloud. Teacher models again with student responses. Students work in pairs and the whole class shares. Students work independently.

5 FOSTER STUDENT INTERACTION Giving students opportunities to voice their ideas and explain them to others helps extend and cement their learning. Integrate student interaction into every math lesson in a variety of ways.

6 MAKE CONNECTIONS EXPLICIT Math is about connections and patterns. Students who struggle often don’t make the connections independently. Once a connection is made it must be practiced in various ways and contexts.

7 ENCOURAGE MENTAL CALCULATIONS Calculating mentally builds students’ ability to reason and fosters their number sense. Mental calculation is essential for estimating which is crucial for problem solving.

8 HELP STUDENTS USE WRITTEN CALCULATIONS TO TRACK THINKING Paper and pencil are tools for keeping track of how students think.

9 PROVIDE PRACTICE Levels of Practice Guided Practice Massed Practice Distributed Practice Consider the value of games for practice.

10 BUILD IN VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION Many students who struggle in math have weak math vocabularies. Teach vocabulary explicitly and in connection with the learning activity. Use appropriate math vocabulary consistently.

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