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INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE SEEA and IUCN: Partnership Opportunities Gernot Brodnig Director, Economics and Social Sciences UNCEEA,

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE SEEA and IUCN: Partnership Opportunities Gernot Brodnig Director, Economics and Social Sciences UNCEEA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE SEEA and IUCN: Partnership Opportunities Gernot Brodnig Director, Economics and Social Sciences UNCEEA, 10 th Session 24 June 2015

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3 3 IUCN Standards-Based Knowledge Products

4 4 Global Sustainability Targets Sustainable Development Goals Cross-walk biodiversity and ecosystem services info to SDG indicators through natural capital approach Convening of multi-stakeholder platforms on SDG implementation and capacity-building Biodiversity Monitoring Red List is one of two biodiversity indicators used for MDGs CBD Aichi Targets: Red List data helps track 13 of the 20 targets.

5 5 Natural Capital Protocol The NCP will be an important step towards future generally-accepted principles for natural capital valuation and accounting.

6 6 Provide a standardized framework for business to measure and value their direct and indirect impacts (positive & negative) and dependencies on natural capital. Different business applications and different organizational levels through the value chain Applicable to all business sectors across all geographies. Natural Capital Protocol (cont.)

7 7 Synergies with SEEA Robust standards and metrics for different dimensions of biodiversity can help to inform the further development of the EEA. Join forces on SEEA “compliance” of SDGs through implementation of natural capital approach. IUCN business engagement through the Natural Capital Protocol can facilitate cross- fertilization and alignment between corporate environmental accounting and SEEA.

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