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Today we will… Outline how to plan an investigation Describe ways to collect information for my investigation.

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Presentation on theme: "Today we will… Outline how to plan an investigation Describe ways to collect information for my investigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will… Outline how to plan an investigation Describe ways to collect information for my investigation

2 Success Criteria I can categorise the different steps for planning a project I can list and explain the different ways to gather information

3 Section 1: Planning a Project In order to produce your best piece of work you must plan out your project in a logical order. Look at the steps for planning a project. With your shoulder partner, decide on the correct order. Discuss your answers.

4 Evaluate the Planning Process & Research Methods used Decide which REASEARCH METHODS you will use to collect information for your project. Decide what area of your topic you want to examine, i.e. write your Statement of Purpose. Write down some BIG questions you want your research to answer. Collect and organise relevant information that will help you answer your ‘big questions’. Present your Findings in your chosen format, written, verbally or digitally. Use the information you have gathered to write your project. Remember! To think about how useful each research method has been for your investigation Choose a topic for your project. Remember! It can come from any area of the Modern studies course, but take the advice of your teacher!

5 1.Choose a topic for your project. Remember! It can come from any area of the Modern studies course, but take the advice of your teacher! 2.Decide what area of your topic you want to examine, i.e. write your Statement of Purpose. Write down some BIG questions you want your research to answer. 3.Decide which REASEARCH METHODS you will use to collect information for your project. 4.Collect and organise relevant information that will help you answer your ‘big questions’. 5.Use the information you have gathered to write your project. Remember! To think about how useful each research method has been for your investigation 6.Present your Findings in your chosen format, written, verbally or digitally. 7.Evaluate the Planning Process & Research Methods used.

6 Steps to Producing a Successful Project Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Copy out the following table. Add in the correct steps

7 As you complete your project you may want to create a glossary of terms which you can refer back to for guidance. In order to get you started the teacher will provide you with a number of important project terms and definitions. With your neighbour match the project term with its correct definition, before writing it into you glossary. Each of the definitions provided is long, so you should shorten them into your own words. REMEMBER! This is your personal glossary that you can use to record important words/phrases connected to your own project. Glossary of Terms


9 RESEARCH METHODS This is the different ways in which you can gather the information for your project. Some research methods are Primary – created by you, e.g. a survey and some are Secondary, i.e. they exist already, e.g. internet, books, newspapers, government reports etc. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE This is a sentence you write at the start of you project. It states what you want to find out about by conducting your project and will help you focus your reading as you collect information during your research. WRITE UP This is the review process carried out by candidates who complete the National 5 examination. It is worth 25% (20 marks) of your final mark. It allows candidates to reflect on the planning process of their project and the research methods they used. REFERENCING/ BIBLIOGRAPHY A bibliography is a list of all the sources of information that you use to gather information for your project. This list can include books, newspapers, websites, interviews, survey results and TV programmes. PROJECT CONCLUSION A conclusion is the decision you come to at the end of your project, for example if your project was about the President of the USA, you conclusion might be that you after conducting your research that ‘they are one of the most powerful political figures in the world.’ METHOD EVALUATION This is your reflection on how useful you thought each research methods was during your project. For example, the books from the library were not very good as they were out-of-date. REFERENCING This is when you acknowledge someone else’s work in your project. You must do this otherwise you could fail your project for plagiarism.

10 Gathering Information In order to gather information for you project, you must decide which RESEARCH METHODS you wish to use. A research method is a way of collecting information. Study the table below, before writing in the LEFT HAND column at least six ways you could gather information for your project. Do not let your Neighbour see your answers! Next, share you findings with your neighbour copying any new research methods on to the RIGHT HAND column of the table.

11 HOW CAN I GATHER INFORMATION FOR MY PROJECT? MY IDEASMY CLASSMATES’ IDEAS                 Copy out the following table.

12 Was I successful? I can categorise the different steps for planning a project I can list and explain the different ways to gather information

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