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God’s Grace Titus 2:11-14 n What is Grace? n What does it do to us? n What does it require of us? n What does it do for us?

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2 God’s Grace Titus 2:11-14 n What is Grace? n What does it do to us? n What does it require of us? n What does it do for us?

3 God’s Grace: What is it? n Most folks think / talk of God’s Grace, the Grace of Jesus, and being Saved by Grace as something freely given with no requirements or prerequisites. n Grace is most often defined as “unmerited favor”. n W.E.Vine adds the ideas of “favorable regard” and/or “that which occasions pleasure” (in God) to the definition. n Thus, we typically think of Grace as an attitude of God toward man- which is correct, though not quite complete….

4 God’s Grace: It’s Actions Titus 2:11-12a n First of all, Grace Appeared- v.11a It manifested itself. How? >through Jesus’ sacrifice, Rm.5:12, 6-11 >through Jesus’ teaching, Eph.3:1-13 n Next, Grace Brings- v.11b It offers for acceptance, or makes available Salvation, Rm.5:2; Eph.2:11-13; Rm.1:15-17 n It also Instructs- v.12a >John 6:44-45 >John 12:42

5 God’s Grace: It’s Requirements Titus 2:12 n God’s Grace Instructs us to Deny- v.12 (refuse to practice) >Ungodliness- impiety or the failure to perform a duty to God, Rm.1:18-23 >Worldly Desires- improper desires contrary to God’s will which pertain only to this life rather than the next: honor, wealth, pleasure, sensual indulgence, etc. Phil.2:15; Jam.4:1-4; Gal.5:19ff; 1John 2:15-17

6 God’s Grace: It’s Requirements Titus 2:12 n God’s Grace Instructs us to Live- v.12 (not refuse to practice) >Soberly- sensibly, with clear thinking, 1Thess.5:6; 1Pet.1:13-16 >Righteously- justly; To treat others not only the way we want to be treated, but the way God wants them to be treated- fairly, honestly, compassionately. Gen.6:9 >Godly- or godlike; with piety- performing our duties in a manner of imitation of Him! Mt.5:48; Eph.5:1; Phil.2:5ff Now notice: Soberly is a duty to self; Righteously is a duty to others; and Godly is a duty to God! That about covers everything, does it not?

7 God’s Grace: It’s Results Titus 2:13 n A Present change of Actions and Attitude as a result of applied grace- v.13 >Rather than dread of the day of judgment and recompense, now there is the attitude of “looking for” and hastening the same! >This change further results in hope rather than despair and is indeed life-changing! >After understanding what God’s grace has made available to us, and applying what we can do through this opportunity, there is a massive change of attitude which affects every aspect of life as further evidenced by v.14….

8 God’s Grace: It’s Results Titus 2:14 n The end result is, of course, Redemption and Possession- v.14 Look at this way: >God gave His Son >Jesus gave His Life >the Holy Spirit gave the Word, that Grace might make salvation available to all mankind! Are you going to waste these gifts? Or give your heart and obedience in return?


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