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EASAIER Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval Ying Ding.

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Presentation on theme: "EASAIER Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval Ying Ding."— Presentation transcript:

1 EASAIER Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval Ying Ding

2 Project Data Duration of the project: 30 Months Starting date: 1 st of May, 2006 Total Budget: 2MEURO for the whole project Members –Queen Mary, University of London, UK (Coordinator) –Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland –Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, UK –Applied Logic Laboratory, Hungary –University of Innsbruck, Austria –NICE Systems, Israel –Silogic, France

3 Objectives Improve and implement the separation and representation of sound objects from audio signals. Allow processing of content in order to provide online interactive tools for end-users and enrich the browsing experience Provide multiple online retrieval systems, allowing for searching of content and metadata using multiple different techniques and modalities Provide organizational tools to gather archive materials into tailored collections and provide an interactive multimedia means of demonstrating the relationships between the contents Measure the effectiveness of the developed access system and explore its potential impact

4 Main workpackages WP1: Project Management WP2: Media Semantics and Ontologies WP3: Retrieval Systems WP4: Sound Object Representation WP5: Enriched Access Tools WP6: Intelligent Interfaces WP7: Evaluation and Benchmarking WP8: Dissemination and Exploitation

5 Expected results Enable enhanced access to sound archives by providing multiple methods of retrieval, integration with other media archives, content enrichment and enhanced access tools Offer methods of searching content based on audio features, musical features, or speech content Support cross-media retreival

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