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Training in Godliness 1 Timothy 4. Being a Christian is like…

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1 Training in Godliness 1 Timothy 4

2 Being a Christian is like…


4 Training in Godliness Earning vs. Effort

5 Enjoying the life of godliness requires Training in godliness

6 An Analogy Athletic training is like spiritual training Submit to trainer/ coach PracticeOppositionGoal

7 An Analogy Spiritual training is like athletic training. “A baseball player who expects to excel in the game without adequate exercise of his body is no mare ridiculous than the Christian who hopes to be able to act in the manner of Christ when put to the test without the appropriate exercise or training.” Dallas Willard

8 A Priority Spiritual training more valuable than athletic training. Training in Godliness Family School Job Neighborhood Friends Church

9 A Priority Spiritual training more valuable than athletic training. Moses: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, and strength.” Jesus: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Paul: “I want to know Christ…So I press on toward the goal.”

10 LENT “Something You Can Fill” SolitudeSilenceFastingAbstinenceSecrecy

11 What can God make us?

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