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Dr. Ir. Marlies Leenaars Course coordinator / Animal welfare officer / Assistant professor Course on Laboratory Animal Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Ir. Marlies Leenaars Course coordinator / Animal welfare officer / Assistant professor Course on Laboratory Animal Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Ir. Marlies Leenaars Course coordinator / Animal welfare officer / Assistant professor Course on Laboratory Animal Science

2 Content Why a course on laboratory animal science? Animal use Netherlands / Radboud University General information on the course Main aims of the course Course content 2

3 For who is Course on laboratory animal science? 3

4 4 - MSc students - PhD students - International students/researchers The Dutch law says: researchers responsible for animal experimentation (art 9 Wod) have to fulfil specific criteria, e.g. followed an 80 hours Course on Laboratory Animal Science

5 You are responsible for the animal experiment 5

6 6 Animal experiments in the Netherlands Number?

7 7 Animal experiments in the Netherlands

8 8 Animal experiments at Radboud University Nijmegen (1)

9 9 Animal experiments (2006-2009) at Radboud University Nijmegen (1)

10 10 Animal experiments at Radboud University Nijmegen (2) Which animal species are used?

11 11 Animal experiments at Radboud University Nijmegen (2)

12 12 General information on the course FELASA cat. C level (European qualification) Credits: 3 ECTS (two weeks) = fulltime course Presence at all lectures is obligatory (if you can’t be present send mail to Study material: textbook (also Dutch version can be used) module guide literature

13 13 Main aims of the course (1) Attitude formation: use of laboratory animals in respectful way Obtain knowledge on principle of 3R alternatives: * Reduction: using less animals * Refinement: using methods which include less harm * Replacement:using no animals

14 14 Main aims of the course (2) Make an ethical decision on whether an animal experiment is required or not Design an animal experiment that ends in: * Scientifically reliable results * Considering animal welfare aspects

15 15 Course content (1) (Interactive) lectures Practicals Group work Self study

16 16 Course content (2) (Interactive) lectures Many different topics Many different (internal and external) lecturers Practicals Practice (injection) techniques using dummies Animal handling Workshop ’Searching for information to design an animal experiment’

17 17 Course content (3) Group work Write research plan for animal experiment Describe search strategy for animal model Analyse of a scientific paper Self study

18 18 Additional information on the course (1) - CDL intranet website ( es/Voorcursisten.aspx); Information on the course.pdf files of the lectures Information on group work password: year0809

19 19 Additional information on the course (2) - Practical handling mice and rats is obligatory. - Because of microbiological health status of the animals: If you have contact with rodents within 48 hours before the practical starts  please contact

20 20 Additional information on the course (3) - Students who want to register their exam results and study points need to register for the exam in KISS (course: BM024D). - Students who subscribed to this course by STIP, don’t need to register separately for the exam.

21 Who gets a certificate of the course? Finish course with positive result - MSc students: after finishing their MSc study - PhD students: fulfil admission requirements - MSc degree which includes biological courses - or comparable education 21

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