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June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale Regional Traffic Management Method and Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale Regional Traffic Management Method and Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale Regional Traffic Management Method and Tool

2 2006/10/2 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale2 Contents Dutch traffic and transport policy Traffic management Sustainable traffic management Regional Traffic Management Explorer – Functionality – Development – Case studies – Next steps Summary

3 2006/10/3 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale3 Mobility in The Netherlands 16.2 million inhabitants 3.1 trip per person per day 32 km per person per day 1 hour per person per day 6.9 million cars 16 million trips per car 250 million car km per day 120 congestion locations Average length 3.2 km Average duration 65 minutes

4 2006/10/4 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale4 Building: “very effective, expensive, long” Pricing: “ politically difficult” Traffic Management: “effective, less expensive and quick” Traffic and Transport Policy

5 2006/10/5 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale5 Traffic Management Long Ago

6 2006/10/6 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale6 Traffic Management 21 st Century

7 2006/10/7 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale7 Traffic Management Measures MeasureNumberKilometresPlanning 2005-2009 1Motorway Traffic Management System99761 2Speed Measures (80 km/hr zones)540 3Ramp Metering4416 4Overtaking prohibition trucks2441 5Peak lanes (using hard shoulder)95463 6Buslanes, trucklanes, tidal flow lanes381014/13 7Measures for Road Works 8Traffic Signal Control±150 9Other measures 10Incident Management (camera’s)5399 11Dynamic Route Information Panels (VMS)11922 12Radio Traffic Information865547 ControlInformIncident Management

8 2006/10/8 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale8 Evaluation studies MeasureMeasurementsBehaviourEstimateNumberPeriod 1Motorway Traffic Management System √√ 81983-2000 2Speed Measures (80 km/hr zones) √ 71983-2003 3Ramp Metering √ 151990-2005 4Overtaking prohibition trucks √√ 81993-2003 5Peak lanes (using hard shoulder) √√ 61996-2003 6Buslanes, trucklanes, tidal flow lanes √√ 41991-1996 7Measures for Road Works √√ 32001-2004 8Traffic Signal Control √ 91987-2004 9Other measures √√ 111992-2004 10Incident Management (camera’s) √√√ 61995-2005 11Dynamic Route Information Panels (VMS) √√ 151993-2005 12Radio Traffic Information √ 92000-2005 13Traffic Management Program √√ 32001-2006 ControlInformIncident Management

9 2006/10/9 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale9 Overview important impacts MeasureEffect on trafficEffect capacity 1Motorway Traffic Management SystemFlow improvements 0%- 5%0% to 5% 2Speed Measures (80 km/hr zones)Congestion varies from -40% to +50%–9% to +4% 3Ramp Metering0% to +5% 4Overtaking prohibition trucksDifferent per location–4% to +4% 5Peak lanes (using hard shoulder)Decrease travel times from 1 to 3 minutes Extra traffic from 0% to +7% +7% to +22% 6Bus lanes, truck lanes, tidal flow lanesTravel time busses/trucks –14 minutes Travel time other traffic from –5 to +2 minutes 7Measures for Road WorksLess demand, sometimes to –11% Less traffic on the section with road works: to –38% 8Traffic Signal ControlChange in travel times from –33% to +10% 9Other measuresCongestion from –28% to +45% 10Incident Management (camera’s)Congestion –7% (Utrecht) 11Dynamic Route Information Panels (VMS)Congestion from –7% to –30% 12Radio Traffic InformationRoute changes, more change if travellers are informed individually ControlInformIncident Management

10 2006/10/10 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale10 Investment and Effects of ITS

11 2006/10/11 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale11 Next Steps More investments and better ITS not the fundamental solution From technique to result oriented approach Technical development First measures are explored Application Measures are applied at multiple locations Result Measures are coordinated throughout the network

12 2006/10/12 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale12 Good Traffic Management is … take decisions 1make a good start! know what you want to achieve know what is happening come up with solutions 4formulate reference values 3draw agreed collective policy on a map 2know what you want to achieve together (prioritise) 6spot conflicts 5picture actual situation 8formulate measures 7formulate solution directions 9take decisions put decisions into practice 12operational traffic management 11prepare use of measures 10implement measures

13 2006/10/13 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale13 Nine Steps

14 2006/10/14 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale14 Handbook Sustainable Traffic Management

15 2006/10/15 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale15 Applications Some 40 projects in progress From ‘just started’ to ‘completed’

16 2006/10/16 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale16 From a Traffic Control Strategy …

17 2006/10/17 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale17 … to Operational Management “Delay here = free flow ahead”

18 2006/10/18 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale18 Regional Traffic Management Explorer Sketch planning and modelling tool Facilitate process of sustainable traffic management (STM) Quantify benefits of services and measures Simple and fast model for networks (motorways, rural roads and urban streets) Compare different scenarios National tool, independent of consultant

19 2006/10/19 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale19 Structure RTME OmniTRANS user interface RTME plug-in Dynamic Assignment model (MARPLE) Input network and OD matrix from other model

20 2006/10/20 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale20 Functionality RTME (1) Use of modelling input for control strategy and frame of reference Current situation, bottlenecks and effects of services and measures are simulated with a dynamic model All results are presented based on the indicators chosen in the frame of reference Results: – Travel time and delay per OD pair – Travel time and delay per route – Speed and flows per road section or route

21 2006/10/21 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale21 Functionality RTME (2) Routes can be defined Bottlenecks are presented with respect to the actual situation or the frame of reference Effects of scenario can be compared with the actual situation, frame of reference or other scenario Applicable in regional and urban networks Traffic signal control Can be applied in workshops and back-office

22 2006/10/22 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale22 Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Model for Assignment and Regional PoLicy Evaluation (MARPLE) Developed during PhD research on the interaction between traffic control and route choice behaviour Based on realistic travel time functions, also for controlled links, roundabouts and priority Route choice for predefined routes (deterministic and stochastic) Traffic flows through the network based on capacities of links and nodes (blocking-back)

23 2006/10/23 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale23 Screenshot RTME

24 2006/10/24 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale24 Case Studies for Testing Development RTME started in 2003 June 2004 first version ready for testing 9 consultants: test RTME for 9 regions – Model testing – Learning process for consultants – RTME input for 9 regions Version 1.0 ready end of October 2004

25 2006/10/25 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale25 Regional Networks

26 2006/10/26 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale26 Case Heerenveen-Skarsterlân A6 A7 A32

27 2006/10/27 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale27 Policy Objectives Accessibility – Good external accessibility of the northern and western part of The Netherlands using the A6 and A7 motorways – Guarantee accessibility of the region Heerenveen-Skarsterlân from the western and northern part of The Netherlands – Guarantee accessibility from towns to the main road network – Improve the flow in the city centres Joure and Heerenveen – Maintain and improve current quality of public transport services wherever it is possible Safety – Improvement of traffic safety on all types of roads – No through traffic through residential areas Liveability – Improvement of the use of public transport and bicycle

28 2006/10/28 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale28 Control Strategy Through traffic Regional traffic Local traffic

29 2006/10/29 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale29 Frame of Reference Priority 1 relations: delay should not exceed 20% of the free flow travel time Priority 2 relations: delay should not exceed 30% of the free flow travel time. Priority 3 relations: delay should not exceed 10 minutes or 40% of the free flow travel time (if the free flow travel time > 20 minutes). For priority 3 or lower roads: volume should not exceed 5000 veh/24 hrs and the speed should be at least 40% of the allowed speed.

30 2006/10/30 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale30 Current Situation

31 2006/10/31 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale31 Bottlenecks Undefined Low Middle High A6 A7 A32

32 2006/10/32 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale32 Services Limit the inflow Increase in/outflow Redistribute capacity Maximise capacity bottleneck

33 2006/10/33 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale33 Measures Speed regime (regional) Peak hour lane Adjustment traffic signal control

34 2006/10/34 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale34 Effects

35 2006/10/35 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale35 Next Steps More regions initiate the STM process and using the RTME Also used for planning projects for Rijkswaterstaat: one corporate tool Extension with indicators for safety and environmental issues Extension for road works Model adjustments – Automatic calibration – Freight transport

36 2006/10/36 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale36 Summary Traffic management is essential part of Dutch traffic and transport policy Shift from technique to result oriented Handbook ‘Sustainable Traffic Management’ structures process to come to operational traffic management Regional Traffic Management Explorer is an essential tool to support this process

37 2006/10/37 June 14th, 2006 Henk Taale37 Colophon Henk Taale Rijkswaterstaat AVV Transport Research Centre E-mail: Pictures: Rijkswaterstaat

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