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Body Positions ADA1O.

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1 Body Positions ADA1O

2 The Stage Upstage (the back of the stage) and Downstage (the front of the stage) Stage Left and Right are based on the actors facing the audience (so “stage left” is the righthand side of the stage from the audience perspective)

3 Basic Body Positions (8)
The direction you face onstage

4 Back to the Audience Always avoid having your back to the audience, unless it is intentional The actor should always face the audience when speaking An occasional line may be spoken away from the audience, but only for good reasons and with the proper compensation of volume and body language

5 Crossing The Stage Cross behind other actors/furniture when you are not the center of attention Otherwise cross in front of them Always face the audience while crossing (within reason).

6 Turning All turns should be executed toward the audience, not away from it

7 Fainting/Falling Support yourself
Divide your body into segments and lower them one part at a time In rehearsal, start in slow motion and gradually speed up

8 Eating/Drinking Use your upstage arm Always take small bits
If pretending always use the amount of time it would actually take and put the object as close to your mouth as possible

9 Hand Gestures When a character on stage uses a hand or arm, etc. they should always use their upstage arm, hand, etc. whether using the arm for a gesture or using a prop Also important for talking on phone, opening door, etc.

10 Entering When two characters enter the stage in conversation, the one speaking should enter last The idea is that otherwise the speaker would have to turn and address the listener and thereby block his entrance One example of an exception would be if one is the master and one is the servant and the master is speaking and entering first

11 Exiting An exit should always be made on your line
that is a character should not exit while another character is talking (only when they are) The reason for this rule is that a character going out when others are speaking distracts attention from them (steals focus) and at the same time renders their own exit ineffective

12 Walking up stairs Always start with your upstage leg

13 Downstage Line Delivery
All important scenes should be played downstage Scenes played downstage center are generally more important The principle of this is to improve emphasis for the audience because of audibility and visibility

14 Couch/Bench Sitting When two characters in conversation are to sit on one couch/bench, the one who is to talk the most, or whose words are the most important, should be seated on the upstage end of the sofa This is to give them the focus and enable them to face the audience

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