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Why is social networking beneficial to Target? Jessica Valle Liliana Vizarreta March 31, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is social networking beneficial to Target? Jessica Valle Liliana Vizarreta March 31, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is social networking beneficial to Target? Jessica Valle Liliana Vizarreta March 31, 2010

2 Facebook More than 60 million active users Average of 250,000 new registrations per year since Jan. 2007 Active users doubling every 6 months Social Media Revolution

3 Customer Support  Online networks enable exceptional customer support that goes beyond the basics

4 Competitors and social networking  2.2 million people follow Wal-Mart on Twitter

5 Instant Communication  Can you cover my shift?  When is the meeting?

6  Customer Support  Competitors  Instant Communication Become a fan of Target’s facebook page today!

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