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YouTube as a Professional Development Channel Ashley Hays.

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Presentation on theme: "YouTube as a Professional Development Channel Ashley Hays."— Presentation transcript:

1 YouTube as a Professional Development Channel Ashley Hays

2 Agenda ●Discuss general YouTube uses in Education ●Brainstorm the possibilities of a school YouTube channel ●Define a YouTube Playlist ●Set up a YouTube Channel ●Customize a YouTube Channel ●Discuss further opportunities

3 Learning Outcomes ●Understand the many uses of a school Youtube channel and how it can be applied to professional development ●Successfully set up a YouTube Channel ●Personalize a YouTube Channel ●Upload a video ●Create a Playlist

4 General Educational YouTube Uses ●Stream Educational Videos o Organize videos by content/lessons/units/etc. ●Post lectures, screencasts, podcasts ●Embed videos on teacher/school websites ●View/archive student created presentations ●Other ideas?

5 Setting up a YouTube Channel ●Allows more personalized sharing of videos ●Upload personal videos ●Create playlists of videos with similar content ●Allow people to subscribe to your channel o Easy updates to new videos o Links to websites ●Provides a community networking opportunity

6 Think About These…. ●Teacher Evaluations ●Informal Walk-Throughs ●SMART Goals ●Professional Development Sessions ●Best Practices ●Common Core Implementation WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?

7 I’m Looking For This... Please implement guided reading Implement your ipad into your classroom

8 What is the ultimate goal?

9 A Professional Development Channel ●Playlists can be organized by o Subject o Grade Level o Standard o Methods o Teaching Pedagogy o In order of difficulty/expectation ●All with real life examples

10 Ways Videos are Helpful ●Explicit examples ●Revisit the example ●Post videos of peers o Often difficult for teachers to visit other classrooms ●New ideas ●Can watch on their own time o Flexibility ●Offer as a Personal Growth Plan

11 Let’s Create a Channel ●Log in to ●Go to YouTube in menu ●In the upper right, click your name and options menu ●Complete all info ** You may have to verify some info.**

12 Now You Need a URL! ●Set up a URL so your channel is searchable on the web o Settings o Advanced o Create custom URL ●Note: once you create the URL it cannot be changed!

13 Customize your Channel ●Upload a picture or logo, customize the background, and add specific site information

14 Uploading Videos ●Clickin the upper right ●Select videos, drag and drop, ●or make something new... Click here for tips on mobile uploads!

15 Creating a Playlist ●From your YouTube Channel go to ●Select Playlists, then Create New Playlist

16 Create Custom Playlists ●Customize the settings for each playlist ●Enable Auto-Add to automatically add new videos that fit your criteria ●Upload Existing YouTube videos, or your own videos ●Create as many playlists as you want, with different settings for each one!

17 Where Will You Go From Here?

18 A Few Tips to Embed Videos ●Cut to the Chase o Start a video at a specific point o To start a video at 3min22sec add #t=03m22s to the end of the URL ●Loop an embedded video o Add &loop=1 to the end of the URL ●Disable Related VIdeos o Add &rel=0 to the end of the URL ● Adjust in settings to upload videos longer than 15 min.

19 Your Feedback is Appreciated Please Complete this EVALUATION YouTube as a Professional Development Channel Ashley Hays Almond Acres Charter Academy

20 YouTube as a Professional Development Channel Ashley Hays

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