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Senator McCain, what are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the term “INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES”?

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Presentation on theme: "Senator McCain, what are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the term “INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES”?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Senator McCain, what are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the term “INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES”?

3 FIRSTLY, The Central Intelligence Agency gives me all the information that I need ?

4 SECOND, I think communications with our neighbours is very important And THIRD, America will continue to make the best technologies in the world.

5 So How did I do, dear? Your advisers will check the blogGER comments in the morning The what-now?

6 Are Schools and Teachers even in their view? Stuart Hasic December 2008 The Internet Through the Eyes of Our Students...

7 What’s MySpace?  The most-popular social networking website offering an interactive, user-created network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults internationally  Over 100 million users have accounts on MySpace  230,000 New registrations per day  Kevin Rudd has a MySpace site


9  YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips  Every minute, more than TEN hours of NEW videos are uploaded to YouTube  During January 2008, 79 million users watched over 3 billion videos on YouTube  Rudd and Howard used YouTube in 2007 to announce policy What’s YouTube?


11 What’s Facebook?  Facebook is a social networking website where users join networks organised by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people  More than 70 million people worldwide visited the website in April 2008  Facebook is the most popular for uploading photos, with 14 million uploaded daily.  Facebook was named the second most popular “thing” among university undergraduates, tied with beer and only ranked lower than the iPod


13 So What CAN a Teacher Do??

14 Today’s Networked Student


16 John Cotton Dana – b 1856 "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."

17 The Fear Factor  When did we stop exploring?  When did it all of a sudden become dangerous to click on something on our computer where we really don’t know what might happen?  At what age do we lose that sense of adventure where we no longer take a risk?  Every educational technology person must help fellow teachers get over this fear. To encourage them to explore these amazing digital tools

18 Steps Toward Teacher Integration  1. Awareness: Teachers have to know what tools exist You can’t know them all, but you can learn from your peers in school and on-line  2. Experimentation: You need to try things to see how they work (or not) and how they can be applied  3. Collaboration with colleagues: Working together means you are not alone and can support each other  4. Start Your Own Projects/Activities: Adapting and customising

19 The Digital Education Revolution  All high school students Yrs 9-12 will receive a laptop starting mid-2009!  This will affect ALL teachers. If K-8 teachers don’t prepare students what will happen when they hit year 9?  Remember, this is a digital EDUCATION revolution, NOT a DIGITAL education revolution – Teachers MUST be involved  The “National Curriculum” may be our last chance to get it right: to get ICT embedded into teaching and learning to make pedagogy through ICT a reality and not just an expectation in our students’ eyes.

20 Start Your Own Revolution  Survey the students - what would they like to use, why and how does it apply?  Involve a few teachers at a time to construct the activity to be run across classes  Set up a non-threatening environment  Regular hands-on meetings  Encourage experimentation  Share discoveries, successes and fails  Include a sceptic in each group

21 Tomorrow’s Connected Teacher

22  “Past success is no guarantee of future relevance.”  “To stand still is to fall behind.”  “It was easier to fake it when things weren't changing so fast...”  “21st Century Teachers need 21st Century Skills.”  “Technology is only technology to those who were born before it.”  “Teachers need to stop saying, “Hand it in,” and start saying “Publish it.”  “We need to prepare students for THEIR future not OUR past.” More Quotable Quotes for Teachers

23 Questions? Thank you for your attention [let’s watch a video about change]

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