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Cooperation between Statistical Offices and Customs on the preparation for the Union Customs Code Nordic meeting on Trade in Goods and Services/BoP 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation between Statistical Offices and Customs on the preparation for the Union Customs Code Nordic meeting on Trade in Goods and Services/BoP 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation between Statistical Offices and Customs on the preparation for the Union Customs Code Nordic meeting on Trade in Goods and Services/BoP 2014 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, 16-18 September 2014 Søren Rich, Senior Adviser, Statistics Denmark

2  The Union Customs Code (UCC) was adopted on 9 October 2013 as Regulation (EU) No 952/2013  A recast of Modernised Customs Act (Regulation Regulation (EC) No 450/2008)  MCC supposed to be in force with implementing provisions at latest at 24 June 2013  UCC with implementing provisions will be in force in May 2016  Finally implemented by end of 2020 (?)  First draft of UCC Delegated and Implementi ​ ng Acts in Spring 2014  Second draft of UCC Delegated and Implementi ​ ng Acts in Autumn 2014 EU’s Union Customs Code (UCC) 2

3 Some overall risk areas:  Self-assessment  Centralised clearence  Entire new Single Administrative Document  Customs data elements – missing data or decreased coverage? Smaller or unknown risk areas:  New partner country definitions  Declaring of various goods under one TARIC/CN code  Postal consignments (postal services), shipping by courier services  Small consignments in general  Simplified declaration and supplementary declaration (potential incomplete declaration)  Customs declaration used for fiscal purposes (Intra-EU trade) Risk issues in UCC 3

4  Special joint working group of Statistics Denmark and Danish Customs established during the MCC implementing work in 2010/2011.  Irregular meetings  Irregular definition of members (change in staff of Customs)  But good and very valuable cooperation  Official hearing of the various provisions  Valuable but often with too short deadlines  Official ‘Customs Contact’ group consisting of Members from shipping agencies, businesses and industries Danish cooperation on UCC 4

5  Like other EU Members States (MS) we have worries about Centralised clearence, Self-assessment and implementation of new SAD.  Currently we are reviewing the Customs data element and second draft of the implementing provisions…  … So far we have not found any serious issues.  Micro data exchange in SIMSTAT opens up for micro data exchange of customs data between statistical offices…  … but like other MS we want to ensure that customs data exchange takes place between customs authorities of the MS, not between statistical offices. Statistics Denmark’s view on UCC 5

6 Thanks for your attention! Questions, comments? Søren Rich, The end 6

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