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Joint Exercise Transportation Program Working Group

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1 Joint Exercise Transportation Program Working Group
Lt Col Steve Scherzer Joint Staff / J7

Welcoming Remarks & Introductions Lt Col Scherzer 1300—1345 Program Execution Review FY10 Execution Review FY11-12 Budget Projections Funding Methodology Exercise Additions / Issues 1400—1415 Break 1415—1630 JETP Business Practices Mr. Caleb Klein FY 11 CTP Process Deconfliction Conference Way Ahead Questions from the Field Additional Breaks as Required

3 Tue Morning Agenda TIME TOPIC/SUBJECT BRIEFER 0800—1200

4 FY10 JETP Execution as of 15 SEP 10

5 FY10 Budget Review as of 15 SEPT 10
Includes Aug bills, but not Sept Reflects CTP distributed (based on requests) NOT CTP Authorized Only reflects bills received (don’t know what is still “out there”) Budget figures have been decreased by the amount of funds that the COCOMs have given back over the fiscal year.

6 FY 10 Review FLINTLOCK 10 Issue - What happens when a COCOM over spends their budget? TRANSCOM Estimates – Why were the airlift estimates so volatile this year? (Late TPPFD validations, inaccurate estimates, supply and demand) TRANSCOM Commercial First Policy – Drove a large decrease in MSC spending and a large increase in SDDC spending CTP spending is slightly down in FY10 while AMC Airlift has greatly increased (opposite of the trend)

7 FY10-11 Target Budget FY11 budget still unstable FY11 planning factors
Reduction in CE2T2 O&M being discussed in efficiency assessments OSD taxes still unknown FY11 planning factors JETP portion of FY11 CE2 mark unknown (fair share ~ $5M) TALISMAN SABER on year / BRIGHT STAR off year Strategic priorities re-alignment

8 Adding New Exercises Two new exercises added as CE2 JEP Events
Joint Exercise Jordan (CENTCOM) RESOLUTE SENTINEL (SOUTHCOM) Exercise process defined in CJCSI F (draft), Joint Training Policy COCOM coordinates with its components and TRANSCOM during fall conferences COCOM nominates exercise at the Jan Deconfliction conference JS/J7 reviews for consistency with directives and staffs with Service HQs and financial organizations—writes an assessment New exercise announced at Spring WJTSC Exercise list finalized during the summer for start of next FY 8

9 Exercise Issues FY11 funding on 1 OCT 10 Funding Options
If budget is passed and waiting for funds: I can only send out MIPRs (airlift, sealift, SDDC) subject to availability of funds If under a CRA: I can send MIPRs and FADs up to JETP’s authorized funding level for the month If no CRA and no budget: everything stops Funding Options Units cash flow CTP, PH, IT, SCCP and JETP will reimburse Obligate FY10 funds by 30 Sep to fund travel in first few days of FY11 9

10 JETP Execution by Cost Components
JETP TOTAL COST AIRLIFT SEALIFT SUB ALLOCATIONS/ DFAS DJAL AMC (MIPR) MSC Commercial Charter MIL AIR SDDC USN Fleet Port Handling Container DFAS DJAL Inland Transport 31% ~$71M 7% ~$17M 62% ~$140M Channel Cargo 70% 30% CTP SCCP Services (Sub Allocated) DFAS MIPR 63% 37% Power Track Channel Cargo 21% <1% 42% JETP Execution by Cost Components TI-97 Sub Allocated 10

11 Current Execution Process
JS J7 executes COCOM budget—sends funds to over 40 agencies Inherent inefficiencies due to JS acting as arbitrator between COCOM and components COCOM has limited visibility into component spending COCOMs AMC LINER SDDC Joint Staff/J7 RAIL PH/IT MSC AREUR FORSCOM JFCOM COCOM USMC USAFE FFC SOCOM 11

12 FAD to Service HQs COCOMs AMC SDDC Joint Staff/J7 MSC
COCOMs must submit quarterly breakout, by Service, for CTP, PH, IT & SCCP to J7 J7 sends FAD to Service HQ for further distribution to units Service HQ will report status of funds to JS Comptroller & J7 COCOMs MIPR TAC AMC SDDC Joint Staff/J7 MSC FAD ARMY USMC USAF FFC COCOMs units units units units CSAs 12

13 FY11 CTP Process CCDR TPFDD Build in JOPES USTC Fusion Center
“V” AL CCDR TPFDD Build in JOPES USTC Fusion Center Service Comp / CSA / IA AL CTP Auth Newsgroup “V” AK Channel Aggregate “T” Charter Request Funds Ticket Travel Voucher Opportune HQ / CSA / IA Funding Doc COCOM Individual Service Comp / MAJCOM Funding Doc Funding Doc Service HQ FAD Flash Report Joint Staff Service HQ / COCOM Flash Report RER from COCOM

14 CTP Reporting JS consolidates and updates overall budget expenditures
COCOM submits CTP breakdown by service, by exercise to JS Annually and then updated quarterly JS issues FAD to Service HQ and COCOM HQ Quarterly and as needed Service HQs and COCOMs report 7th of each month obligations and expenditures by exercise by service to JS JS consolidates and updates overall budget expenditures JS J7 publishes budget recap to COCOMs by 15th of month

15 Update CTP Business Practices
Briefer: Mr Klein Issue : Commercial Ticket Program (CTP) business rules and practices need to be updated to reflect the growth in program demand and highly dynamic nature of the program. Discussion: Due to significant growth in the use of commercial airlines for exercises, accounting and management practices need to be updated to reflect a more dynamic program. What started as a $13M program to supplement military or charter airlift, has grown into a $56M program in FY09 and is now a critical component to exercise movements. The current process to build requirements, validate mode- source, build authorization messages and distribute funding is cumbersome, time consuming and not responsive to force provider needs. Often, units must cash flow tickets from Service Incremental Funding or other Operations & Maintenance funds and seek reimbursement afterward, further delaying accurate accounting of expenses. New business practices are required in order to increase the flexibility, speed, and accounting visibility of CTP funds. Endstate: New business rules that govern roles and responsibilities for CTP authorization, notification, flow of funds, and account management. POA&M: Interim guidance has been published (19 Aug 10) as an addendum to CJCSI A prior to incorporation in CJCSI. OPR: JS J-7; OCRs: Combatant Command J3/J4/J8, Services APR 10 JUN 10 JUL 10 AUG 10 SEP 10 OCT 10 2 day workgroup in Norfolk AO level coordination by DCO Planner level coordination Final coordination Publish guidance Implement new practices

16 Deconfliction Conference Basics
Three main building blocks for the conference Deconflict support teams from JWFC, TRANSCOM, STRATCOM Identify exercise execution issues using a JTIMS graphic layout JTIMS stratlift module updates and modifications Conference takeaways: Support teams deconflicted Identify where there are execution problems in upcoming years Services provide an assessment of supportability Inform senior leaders and prepare for March WJTSCs What it will NOT do… Prioritize exercises 1 to N across COCOMs Line-by-line scrub of JTIMS for requirements Move exercises (unless rep is empowered to do so)

17 Conference Skeleton Location: Hosted at JFCOM Timing:
3 day conference with Mon and Fri as travel days End of Jan Expectation: Open dialogue between COCOMs and Services discussing requirements and supportability Agenda

18 Deconfliction Conference Focal Point

19 Deconfliction Conference Way Ahead

20 Question #1 Who approves a new joint exercise?
The ONLY person approving a joint exercise is the combatant commander The Joint Staff will provide an assessment of whether it meets the criteria of a CE2 JEP Event identified in CJCSI F. If the JS disagrees with the COCOM, funding availability can be adjudicated by OSD (P&R). This process parallels CE2 governance Services are given an opportunity to provide a supportability assessment back to the COCOM

21 Question #2 Is it possible to deploy foreign military on a commercially chartered or U.S. Military aircraft in support of an exercise? CJCSI a only addresses foreign nationals flying CTP—they must be permanently assigned to the command to use CTP Although not addressed by CJCSI, the practice of using US aircraft or AMC contracted aircraft is not advisable nor supported by AMC.

22 Question #3 Can FY10 funds be used for travel in FY11?
FY10 funds can only be used for FY10 travel. However round trip tickets that leave in FY10 and return in FY11 can be bought in FY10 with FY10 funds.

23 Tue Morning Agenda TIME TOPIC/SUBJECT BRIEFER 0800—1200

24 J7 Points of Contact Stephen Scherzer, USAF Mr. Caleb Klein
(DSN 225) Mr. Caleb Klein (DSN 223)

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